Thursday, November 2, 2023


 White Supremacists hate Jews. Islamic Terrorists hate Jews. Islamic Terrorists hate White Supremacists.  Ever since 911, most White Supremacists have made it clear, JUST AS CLEAR, that they hate anyone who is a Muslim, just as much as they hate Jews. This is not my opinion, rather it is the facts that history has provided, via newspaper headlines, the current events of the times, and Media reports.

All at once, the White Supremacists, and the Islamic Terrorists, avowed enemies of one another, have decided to BOTH HATE the Jews at the same moment in history. Both groups it seems have acted as THUGS and continue to act out their insecurities, and HATRED, based on their misconstrued and maligned theories regarding their Gods and their religion, and continue to make Jews their preferred SCAPEGOAT.


Let’s be real. When Jews in the Diaspora become victims of Islamic hatred, it is not about Israel. When Jews remain the SCAPEGOAT for the White Supremacists it has never been about just sending them all to Israel, as too many Evangelical Christians desire to receive the Second Coming of Christ. It is blatant and purposeful ANTISEMETISM. 


I was born into a family that celebrated the Jewish Religion. I am not a HATER, nor has my family ever taught me to HATE anyone who is or is not Jewish. I am not unique, I am not special. But as a person raised in the ceremonies, traditions, and culture of being Jewish, I will NOT TOLERATE ANYONE who HATES me for the person I am!