Thursday, November 2, 2023

The TRUMP Show

 Trump has been and remains A USEFUL IDIOT. His narcissistic, selfish, self-serving frail ego, his greed, gluttony, and sociopathic behaviors are primary ingredients for anyone whose intelligence is greater than Trump’s to use him, patronize him, support him, and pay any price Trump's desires to attain THEIR goals. Trump is like the mannequin sitting on the lap of the ventriloquist, the thoughts, words, and actions seem to be emitted by the carved piece of wood, primed and painted to look and act as a person, but in reality more like a piece of dead wood. 

Money, just ask Trump to name the price, and money is the catalyst, necessary for Trump's actions, machinations, and purebred lack of humility and introspection. Money paid for by those who seek pure power and authority is like manure, they can spread it around, sow the seeds, and via Trump's words and deeds, THEIR words and deeds take root.


I am not saying that Trump is a victim, I am saying that without his Puppeteers and Ventriloquists his Writers, and Producers, the TRUMP SHOW would never have existed, and no way it still would remain on the air.


I believe we must FEAR TRUMP, but to only point out his criminal activities, and to only blame him, is for me a mistake that ALL of his enablers are betting on!