Sunday, November 12, 2023

Money and the Moneyed

 Just two months before Republican primary season kicks off in Iowa, Thiel is one of several powerful Silicon Valley conservatives reevaluating their participation in politics. Tech heavyweights who helped ignite Trump’s candidacy have told close associates they feel alienated from the GOP and are casting about for a candidate who more closely aligns with their extreme pro-business agenda.

Peter Thiel is a married gay man. He is anti-woke (whatever the fuck that might be, except some rallying call for people who hate equality, freedom and choice). Peter Thiel is a God-like being within the Tech Cartel, and a self-proclaimed Techie, who wants zero Government regulations regarding Tech. Peter Thiel’s net worth according to Forbes Magazine is approximately $6.5 Billion, which places him in the Uber wealthy tax bracket, in which he like the other 1% has more money to bribe Politicians because they have less money to spend on things like taxes, which in fact if collected could alter the lives of anyone who is not in the 1%.


Believe it or not, this Blog is not about Mr. Thiel, who I do not know personally, but am aware of due to his once very cozy relationship with TRUMP, but this Blog is about Hypocrisy, Selfishness, Self-Serving, Greed and lack of Altruism. Peter Thiel, for me is representative of the kind of person who knows that power is money, making money is king, and having money can help become a kingmaker, and money can also demote a king to a court jester. Peter Thiel, being a gay man, still supported the Republicans, who do not support the LGBTQ community. Mr. Thiel is surrounded by many other Tech Billionaires some of whom happen to be Jewish, ignoring the fact that many to most of the current Republicans chum around with avowed White Supremacists and Anti-Semites. Mr. Thiel is surrounded by other tech Billionaires, who as heterosexuals are married to women, and have daughters, but still choose to support the GOP, which has made a major priority to own and control women and their reproductive parts.


This article by the Washington Post, states that Mr. Thiel and his cohorts are casting about for a candidate who more closely aligns with their extreme pro-business agenda. For me, as I read this article and many others like it, all that seems to matter with the Billionaire Klan, is profit, no restrictions on how they earn that profit, and as long as their rights to continue to make that profit and do not have to give their fair share back to the government, (except to purchase their Politicians), is all that matters. This Blog IS ABOUT, money in politics, dark money, bright money, and how any democracy within the United States withers and dies, being suffocated by money and the moneyed!