Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Dear Mr. President,

As you are aware there has been a strange phenomena smothering the LGBT community and staging itself in the most abhorrent manner, LGBT youth committing suicide due to extended years of bullying and blame. Too many LGBT youth just can’t take the oppression, discrimination and intolerance projected by elders of the church, so called good Christian adults who even though they are heterosexuals are poor parents, insecure men and women who need others to single out, scapegoats, for their own mistakes and missteps in life and the lack of any backbone by most politicians to put in place laws that protect ALL Americans.

LGBT youth are told they are less than, not one of God’s chosen, victims of their own behavior, wasted lives and second class citizens in this country. You have made it clear that so far in your administration to LGBT youth that they certainly can not serve in the military openly adding to their embarrassment and dismay and feeling of less than by most or many.

As you are aware, Mr. President there is a movement, (of course generated by the LGBT community itself) which tries to dissuade LGBT youth to not give in or give up but to understand that as bad as their current life may be, it can get better. It is a showcasing of successful people talking about their experiences growing up in-spite of a separate but equal America emphasizing to those youth (who have not run out of patience and hope) saving your LIFE is important. It is also a strong plea to tell those who are victimized by bullies, don’t be afraid.

As much as I would like to rant and rave about bullying towards the LGBT community Mr. President, this letter to you is more about bullying in general and for calling the bluff of those who bully.

For the past two years of your administration the Republicans have acted like bullies toward you and the majority of Democrats and by doing so have been bullies for those of us who wanted change we could believe in. For almost the past two years, Mr. President you have permitted the Republicans to use their bully pulpit and have performed cartwheels, backbends and splits to try and appease the bullies. The spineless backbones of a majority of Dems also added to the fortitude of the bullies as very few of the majority party tried to draw a single line in the sand.

It is reasonable to try and talk to a bully, reasonable to to try and reason with a bully, reasonable to ask the bully why he is a bully and reasonable to try and find compromise. It is not reasonable, Sir, with all due respect to continue to permit the bully to spit in your face, deny you access, and threaten you with everything from God to the second amendment.

Human nature tells us most bullies are cowards, many are on the offense because they have very little truth or honor backing up their actions and know if found out to be the phonies they are, they will and should be on the defense. Human nature tells us that bullies travel in packs. Makes them feel more powerful, makes them feel in charge, makes them look like they are in control. And human nature tells us that once we acquiesce to all and any of the demands made by a bully there is no turning back.

Last time I looked Mr. President you were elected by a hefty majority of people who wanted honest, sincere, real and meaningful. Last I time I looked you were the President. How come you have not taken that privilege, that prestige that power and fought back at the bullies?

The Republicans run on scare tactics, divide and conquer, alienating populations, threats and lies and each time they achieve a goal because you and the Democrats have side stepped, or winked, or done nothing at all they win. And if they win, you lose and if you lose I lose as do the many people who voted for you because you promised change we could believe in.

Finally, the LGBT community is looking the bullies in the eye and calling them out. Finally the LGBT community is uniting around an important cause the lives of its youth. Finally the LGBT community is making a commitment of what was wrong then will not be tolerated now.

When will you stop tolerating the party of “no” ? When will you stand up and fight for what you say you believe in? When do you draw a line in the sand that can not be diminished or destroyed by the boots of the Republicans? When does separate but equal get replaced with EQUAL, whether you be white, black, heterosexual, homosexual, religious, atheist, woman, man, young, old, abled or disabled, alien or natural born?

I am happy some in the LGBT community have come forward beyond their words to fight the bully (I hope for more action to follow those words). I wonder and worry if you will do the same and stand up to bullies who only hope create anarchy and chaos. Words don’t work any more.

I have been a loyal fan Mr. President, but I grow tired of waiting, and waiting and waiting. Please don’t promise me that if elected in 2012 things will change, don’t promise me anything just do it now so voting for you in 2012 makes sense.

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