Monday, November 29, 2010

not sure why

I am not sure why there are some things happening in our culture that I just don’t get. I am not sure why I can’t just let the flow run its course and ignore the flood it causes as it runs past and ruins people’s lives. I am not sure why when added up the actions of the many never seem to assist with the needs of the few. I am not sure why it just seems so wrong when the obvious is ignored and replaced with self serving, insufficient rhetoric ruminating in the ridiculous.

People are unemployed in this nation, have been for over two years for some. Corporations, banks, financial institutions are drowning in profits greater than their own accountants contemplated. People are hungry, hurt, and desperate and Congress is stalling on fixing any or all the problems in anticipation of better election results for the 2012 campaign. People who have paid into unemployment, worked their entire lives, paid their taxes, never went to jail, obeyed the law are now considered despots and dredges to society because they want to just survive and need help to do so.

Tea Baggers united (with the financial assistance of a group of ultra wealthy CEO’s and businessmen) to win elections and make their voices heard. They claim they are all grass root organizations but somehow had the anonymous amalgamation of millions of dollars from those who would wish to be their masters. Tea Baggers have demanded smaller government when it comes to human services, workers rights, reforms, but demand government control grow larger when issues of abortion, homosexuality, immigration are concerned. Tea Baggers want jurisdiction over their personal rights but love to deny any freedoms to their chosen list of demons and devils.

Groups who proclaim they represent and present family values, focus on the family love to rally around anything homophobic. They indulge and delight in destructive behavior when the ‘Gays’ want to marry, when the ‘Gays’ want to adopt kids, when the ‘Gays’ want to openly enlist in the military. But those in the ‘save the family’, ‘it’s for the children’ camps are always quiet when their members are adulators, participate in infidelity, seek a third of fourth marriage. The ‘save marriage’ marauders, the ‘for the children’ characters, the ‘save the family’ fighters never state how denied lack of health insurance weighs heavy on the children, how stopping unemployment checks ruins the family, how not placing orphaned kids or bastard kids or neglected kids in a loving home is destructive to the well being of each child. It is never about how heterosexuals behave but always about the damn homosexuals.

Public figures are caught on audio and video reciting racist, bigoted, homophobic remarks, yet when confronted with their ignorant and uneducated statement they blame the press and are excused by their fellow fools. Gangs run rampant in American cities but the only war on terrorism is held in Afghanistan and Iraq. Cult hero’s are men who schtoop every woman imaginable or objectify them using them as their pleasures. Reality shows glamorize insulting judges; plastic surgery, skinny people, hot studs and beautiful babes, and Americans can’t stop watching. In the name of a Christian God churches protest funerals, Christians vandalize mosques, and love thy neighbor is replaced with love your white, heterosexual, Christian, legal, Republican neighbor.

I am not sure why there are things happening in our current culture that seem to have no reason or rhyme, but just seem to thrive on discontent, displeasure and doom. I am not sure when the crack in the damn started, when truth no longer counted, when fact was replaced with fiction, when selfish prioritized self less?

I am not sure how much longer we as Americans can survive this onslaught of greed, gluttony and garish behavior. It has to stop eventually, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it?

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