There are some things in the immediate universe in which I live that I just don’t understand. I am trying to figure out, outside of my box, how people think, why they perform the actions they do and what motivates them. It is a bit confusing for me:
Role models:
So Bristol Palin of ‘Dancing with the Stars’ fame and Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino of ‘Jersey Shore’ fame are joining forces to do a PSA on safe sex. Bristol Palin of I told my mother I abstained because that is what she expected of me without filling me in on what happens when I do not abstain fame, and Mike Sorrentino of while I am on television I am banging girls in the mall, in hot tubs, in dressing rooms, on the floor, on tables fame are speaking to our youth about safe sex and are the crusaders of this cause.
Bristol tells the youth abstinence is still the key to safe sex and even though she used no protection at all and got pregnant the first time, (even though her mom put religion above practicality), Bristol will not have sex again until she is married first. Mike Sorrentino says that even though he can have sex with any girl anywhere in the world and on top of any kind of furniture or wall, he pauses before he schtoops and uses protection.
And somewhere in the universe of adolescents both these wise sages who say do as I say not as I do are considered role models. So kids have all the sex you want but if you get pregnant the first time abstain the second time or have all the sex you want pause and put a condom on and proceed again.
Words of children:
Willow Palin called someone So Gay and a FAG%*T on Facebook. Spokespersons for the Palin clan said Willow was just defending her sister Bristol who had been harangued by some Facebook users as a poor dancer and a low life unwed mother. No one from the Palin clan said that the use of the term you’re So Gay and a FAG%*T was offense, homophobic and Unchristian like.
Mrs. Palin had tweeted, lectured and written on how homosexual couples make poor parents and that the parental skills of say two dads and or two moms does not provide the children with a normal upbringing, to teach them values, skills and morals---‘doncha know’ the kind God wants us to have and their children were never taught.
Willow is the product of a heterosexual father and mother; I am kind of confused as to what kind of skills they are teaching using God as their mentor? Maybe we all should start calling stupid insensitive people “So Palin”, like ‘doncha know that is so Palin’!
Blame it on something else:
Reverend Cedric Miller told his flock of 1100 parishioners that infidelity is stemming from the use of Facebook. He first told his parishioners to share their Facebook password with their spouses then decided that all of his parishioners should close their Facebook accounts.
Marriage is an Institution reserved for the heterosexual couples. They are God’s choice to wed and of course to have offspring. Now it seems not only homosexuals have the power to wreck that Institution but Facebook is also part of that axis of evil.
It never seems to be that the Institution of Marriage is based on love, fidelity and trust. It seems that the all powerful Institution of Marriage is full of cracks and leaks due to the activity of those on the outside of marriage those devil like forces that want to destroy it.
Why doesn’t the Reverend Cedric Miller ask if those in his flock actually love their spouses, married their spouses for love not convenience, and why it is even necessary that any of his parishioners need to find satisfaction from anyone but their spouses? Blame it anything but the truth.
Safety First:
We have had all kinds of traveler alerts in assorted colors warning us about how dangerous air travel might be. (During the Bush years, especially a few weeks before the elections the colorful alerts rose to vivid colors only to be squelched down to a less brilliant color when George Bush won his election). Airline passengers in America have learned how to remove their shoes, avoid great amounts of liquid in their carryon luggage, stand in endless lines for security and walk though a scanner or a pat down.
After the horrific bombings of 911 a new resolve swept America that we would not change our habits just how we access them. So the Government set up the TSA and one by one suitcase by suitcase we all acquiesced to the new rules and regulations if we CHOSE to travel by air and like good lemmings waited our turn to enter the terminal.
But now there is some concern as to how safe the safety procedures really are. Some people don't want their junk touched, some are afraid of the radiation, and some wonder what will be next as the newest of safety features. And all along throughout the Bush years we were told that the American way is the safe way. And what do we find out from other security experts, that we are wasting time and money on all the wrong things. And what else did we find out...that Michael Chertoff ex Homeland Security Honcho had made a deal with the CEO's from all the corporations who make scaners and x ray machines and is making a whole lot money from them for buying useless products for the Government. Seems that there are a whole lot of other ways to make flying safe, but using them was less costly thus the payoff to Chertoff less valuable.
So now I am annoyed at what I thought was a delay based on saving lives, and am more annoyed that once more someone from the Bush administration gets his hands caught in the till and I am the one paying the price.
There are tall and small, important and impressive, serious and silly things in my universe. And if only it was me in my universe I might be able to handle the ups and downs. But MY universe intercedes and intervenes with the universes of millions. And as I see it the hypocrisy of the many universes is sometime overwhelming, and I will no longer tolerate the hypocrites who inhabit them.
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