Awww, the weekend, time to relax, enjoy the world and not have to think too hard. But then thinking too hard is kind of easy if you read the newspaper, watch TV or surf the Internet. I know that most Republican/Tea Baggers never realize that in 2010 we have audio and video that can capture the truth, and when they are found out to be liars, fabricators and dealers of falsehoods they all get so irritable and rattled. Here are three items that came to my attention over the weekend about the truth, the lack of regard for it and the sheer hypocrisy of those who will do and say anything they deem is good for them.
Family Values:
The ever family family values of the WWE the mega corporation owned by Linda McMahon, the Republican/TeaBagger loser in the Connecticut governors race is now on the war path. They are quite dismayed that they and Linda McMahon were shown as sexists, homophobes, and racist, (pick one anti black, anti muslim). Seems that the truth does not set free those who lie about its merits. Linda McMahon’s corporation delights in having women as subservient to their male steroided giants, all wrestlers from Arabland are cheaters and terrorists, and a good black man has to earn the title of good from his white compatriots.
Seems the McMahon’s are now on a new warpath to demonstrate to the world, or at least the world that believes that wrestling is not fake, that the Dems have once more taken away what is good about America and are once again destroying family values. They are now issuing DVD’s for purchase for Dad’s to share with son’s the wrestling matches watching one large breasted woman hold the rope for her master, keep her head bowed as he talks or getting on all fours pretending to be an animal. This is a right of passage so say the paid talking heads, a way a man shows his son just how a woman should be treated and not respected. Oh yeah and if she is slapped a little then junior might take note next time his babe says anything without permission. Its a right of passage from Dad to son.
Linda McMahon, thank goodness for caring and smart people was not elected to office, but not just because her private actions of her corporation are sexist, homophobic and racist, but because she also forgot what minimum wage was and wanted to lower it, felt those on unemployment just wanted the easy way out, and thought that government should not get in the way of the profits of big business, sort of like hers at WWE.
And now with the pizzaz and grace the spin machine as funded by the millionaires for the not so grassy grass roots did during the election, they are beginning to rev up their engines of propaganda and mis-truth and blame the Dems for wanting the demise of WWE.
And most likely it will work because the same people who believe Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh believe that dropping a man from a ceiling, throwing him onto a table, applying a joke hold are not tricks but true.
WWE is one place we want to state and define our family values.
Soldier stuff is fun:
There is a new family oriented video game for home use that is a barrel of fun and urges all of us to bring out the soldier in ALL of us. Kobe Bryant, and Jimmy Kimmel are just two (and I am sure well paid celebrities who do a bunch of soldier things), like killing the enemy, throwing grenades, tossing around an Uzi or two and laughing and guffawing while all around them bombs blast and body parts fly. It’s a video game stupid, no harm intended, its a jovial way to just be a soldier. I counted about half a dozen famous faces on this commercial just shooting guns, exploding this and that, and laughing their asses off as they do so.
I counted how many of them, the CELEBS, actually had enlisted in this war or any war to be exact and the number was zero. So I suppose soldiering can be fun if you never have to do anything but sit in front of your pricy television set with your joy sticks in your hand, and have a hell of time.
I wonder how many of those CELEBS have taken time to write a check to the families of the real soldiers who had fun in Iraq and Afghanistan, but now because they are paralyzed, brain damaged, or incoherent can’t play nor enjoy the same soldiering is fun video game? I wonder if any of those highly paid CELEBS, have ever paid condolences to the families of the deceased soldiers because those soldiers had so much fun playing soldier they died laughing?
Wow, playing soldier and doing all those soldier things is a laugh a minute, at least when someone else is at the front lines and you are safe behind your front door.
Turn a holy cheek:
God is so busy hating, according to so many of those who think they speak for him, that I sometimes wonder when does have time to do anything good. He always smiting someone, making sure they are not equal in his love or just smacking them with all kinds of treats one might find at devils home for Halloween.
Enter Archbishop Andre Leonard of Belgium who, wearing his finest Vatican robes surrounded by the freshest of holy water, has stated that AIDS is God’s punishment for being Gay. You defy his God (the Archbishop and the Pope’s) and you will get the scourge like nobodies business.
God has no time for Fags or Queers, nope all God wants is to God Damn them and riddle their bodies with holy bullets of HIV/AIDS. I am sure as all good God fearing homophobes and racist do the Archbishop found the wisdom of his statement in the Bible or from the Pope’s speechwriter.
Must give credit to Andre however, at least in his venomous dissertation from his biles he actually said the word AIDS, not like President Ronal Reagan, (a devout Christian when not reading Tarot Cards with Nancy,) and pretended those thousands of Americans dying were dying because they had no morals or ethics (again from the man of Iran Contra affair.)
No pontifical recall of this Archbishop, just some low level officials who hemmed and hawed and said the man likes to drive against traffic. You are killing me Andre Leonard with your quirky yet Catholic humor. God punishing men and women with AIDS because they are Gay, you are a laugh a minute kind of man and so is your boss the Pope.
We can ignore all of this laugh at the insanity of it, or say some of us are just too sensitive, it’s silly. We could pretend that Family Values, Soldiers dying, AIDS is a part of life and in our own homes we deal with those subject quite well. The problem is ALL of us don’t deal with it and too many of us let it slide.
And if we look the other way then too many of us, over the weekend will just ignore the facts and dance and delight in the fantasy that everything is alright. Is it alright to play soldier and not understand the consequences of those who serve? Is it okay to permit women to be objects and minorities to always play the bad guys? Is it okay to even let a man of the cloth say such blasphemous things even for a minute? I think not, nope, not at all, NEVER.
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