Friday, November 5, 2010


I had made a silent promise to myself, after downing two shots of Tequila the eve of the Mid Term elections and as the President claimed the “shellacking” of Democrats, that I would face this uncertain future with certain positive actions; after all I voted in 2008 for change I could believe in and honestly some of it had happened.

I had sworn a secret oath for myself to take the lies and fabrications the anti American rhetoric, the discrimination, the bigotry and bias of the Tea Baggers/Republicans with some strong grain of salt and to assault the lies with truth, truth, truth. I learned that the one key item in the arsenal of the not so grassy, grass routes millionaires was to fill the airwaves with baloney, bull shit and baseless bogus-try (I made up that word). So, feeling that truth will set you free I placed in MY stash of second amendment rights ammunition a collection of the facts ma’m nothing but the facts. (I believe many of the spineless Dems who lost their races did so because they never admitted to doing something correct, but only acquiesced to doing something wrong as they were attacked by the insane entertainment propagandist of Fox Pac without once fighting back). The truth and the good were on the side of the cowardly Dems, but they permitted sex, lies and videotape to usurp any semblance of sanity.

I watched as Jon Stewart tried to paint the extremes of both left and right as unproductive (even though there was more truth to the harangues from the left than the right), and I listened as even Keith Olberman stated that he would no longer list his worst people in the world because it is better to try and be positive. I said to myself, let the lies live but let the truth live longer, last and linger. I tried, damn it I tried.

But then as I was using the remote to channel surf I came upon a few tidbits of news unrelated to the elections but very much related to the history of this nation. I discovered that George W. Bush, in anticipation of the publication of his memoirs, was to be interviewed on Oprah. And as teasers and mainly for me torments, reporters leaked some of the quotes and commentary from his book.

George W. Bush was hurt that he was called a racist by Kanye West, he would by Executive Order order torture again, and he had a problem with alcohol early in his participation in the Institution of Marriage. These were the tidbits of gossip flowing like lifeless lava from the mouth of the talking heads. And then I had an epileptic fit so great that I am sure I had two grand mull seizures and probably some damage to my brain. And I said to myself, self you are witnessing a duping of America once again, and ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

George W. Bush the author somehow forgot who George W. Bush the President really was. How about an apology to the over 4400 American families whose loved ones died in your war of Weapons of Mass Destruction for never finding weapons but only providing the mass destruction in their lives? How about saying ALL of the proceeds of my book will go to the recovery of the over 500,000 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who have been and are being treated in VA hospitals? How about any sympathy for the poor condition of the Vets as they suffer from traumatic stress syndrome and volunteering in helping them with their recovery? How about using the money you raised for the George W. Bush Memorial Library go to the unemployed in this country, those whose jobs have been outsourced those who are not millionaires by helping them with their financial difficulties because of your trickle up tax plan? And how about saying to America your permission in letting Scooter Libby reveal that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent was an act of treason?

It seems many an American, suffering from amnesia during the last election phase decided that the Republicans, aka Tea Baggers could be the heroes to save us from our woes. They forgot of the 8 years of Republican rule and with the swipe of a chad opened the doors to the same bunch of bandits who robbed us blind before. And it now seems those same Americans are going to read, listen and allow a president of shallow and insensitive intentions to rewrite history, using lies, fabrication, fable and folly.

We have to stop the insanity before everyone in the ward becomes the inmate and no one is there to help the patient. Let the lies prevail, but lets all make sure we speak the truth louder than those lies.

ENOUGH has to be ENOUGH, but we have to make sure it is so! All of us!

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