Once again the sad shell of a once a hero John McCain has arisen from the recesses of bigotry and bias and has spoken. The senior Senator from Arizona is also once again making up rules, which in his tradition of flip flopping, change, depending on which medication he did or did not take. The Senator who never quite understands his own positions on anything is trying hard to let the military’s policy of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” not be overturned.
McCain argues that the Pentagon's study on DADT does not directly ask military personnel "whether" the policy should be repealed, but rather assumes that the policy will be abolished and merely addresses the question of "how." (msnbc.com).
So NOW in McCainville, the troops are supposed to make recommendations, set standards, make decisions on their own military life according to Senator McCain. NOW in McCainville all the troops can decide if they like something or not, if they want to participate in an action or not. Should the troops sit around and debate or vote on the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars? Should they decide on how many tours of duty each and every woman and man should be sent? Should they decide if they salute their superior officers or just offer a “Hey Dude” how’s it hanging?
I wonder how history would have changed if the troops had been asked about integrating the military allowing the Negros to serve or how they would have felt about women in the armed services.
"I'm paying attention to the commandant of the Marine Corps," he said. "I'm paying attention to the other three service chiefs who have serious concerns. They are the four guys who are directly in charge. In all due respect, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is not directly in charge of the troops. The Secretary of Defense is a political appointee who's never been in the military. And the president, obviously, has had no background or experience in the military whatsoever. It was a campaign pledge to the gay and lesbian community." (msnbc.com)
So the US Military according to John McCain NOW in McCainville no longer should take its command from the Commander and Chief, if the commander and chief never served in the armed services. So NOW in McCainville (according to this ancient shell of a man) the Secretary of Defense is useless in making any real decisions about military life because he has never served in the Forces and his opinion should carry little to no weight because he is a political appointee. So NOW in McCainville Mr. McCain wants to rewrite the Constitution of the United States by disallowing any input into the governance of the military by the Executive Branch. The Senator wants the four service chiefs to direct and implement the governance of the military solely and without the checks and balances that keeps this country coupe and junta free.
And no one in the ranks of the Republican/Tea Bag Party has found the balls or backbone to stand up and say to the senator from Arizona, you are too senile, too ridiculous, to un-American with your ever changing reasons and rhymes. The boys and girls in the club of the Republican/Tea Bag Party look the other way ignore the definition of equality for all, the checks and balances of the last 234 years of the Constitution and permit a sick man living in McCainville ( located right next to Palinland) to define policy and practice. In a single cadence of silence the Republican/Tea Bag politicians remain silent as the one single voice of dissent croaks in an abyss of hate, bias and bigotry.
We all thought that the road to McCainville had been abandoned and re-routed after the last presidential election, but glory be someone has paved the road with cobblestones.
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