Here you go again Sarah, trying to create dissension, illusion, and ignoring the truth and acts of reason. Here you go again Sarah saying all that is wrong in someone else's good deed and doing more harm than good.
On the Laura Ingraham radio show and in your newest book you and your ghost writer decided to take on Michelle Obama's campaign against obesity. You ranted and raved about how the government has no right to deny the God given right of parents to decide the fate of their children's health. You shouted long and loud enough so your lemmings who need little fact but lots of fiction now think Michelle Obama, as First Lady, can enact a law taking away the right of any ignorant parent to serve fatty high caloric foods. You took your soapbox of lies and have decided to mislead and misconstrue the truth once again.
And once again Sarah, you missed the point. Once again you think that a few low blow political shenanigans can gain you notoriety as all you do is make noise. And once again your maternal instincts are not at all what a caring mother, a knowledgeable mother, an intelligent mother would share.
Michelle Obama is trying to educate the public as she would her own children as to the menace and mayhem eating fatty foods, high sugar foods, high caloric foods can and will do to their young lives. Michelle Obama is trying to reach those who have few role models and instruct parents on the wise way to eat. She is acting as a good parent using as you say, God's given right to parents, to guide a path so young kids can grow up healthier and happier into adolescents and young adults. She is acting as a good mother would in demonstrating a behavior with positive results. (I am not sure if your handlers and those who feed you any facts have tutored you in knowing that the First Lady does not and can not make laws. But as the First Lady Michelle Obama can use her position to help make clearer those misconceptions that if not heard can and will hinder a child's growth.)
Your tract record on parenting, Sarah, is sketchy. You told your daughter Bristol that abstinence is the way of the Lord and in your house the expectation. You preached abstinence but failed in parenting skills by informing your teenage daughter if she should not remain celibate, then here are the consequences and here are the remedies, albeit remedies you would not prefer in keeping from becoming pregnant.
Your daughter Willow was never reprimanded by you for her vulgar and bigoted slurs against Gays. She seems to think that certain populations of people are less than and no voice from her momma came forward to educate her differently.
And all your bull shit about Family Values seems to be like a whisper in the wind as you have terrorized the public on universal health insurance. If family and values of family are sooooooo important to you, why were you the leading voice against a health care package that in fact would permit ALL Americans ALL families to get the care they need?
Sarah what makes you tick? What is it about fair, and just, right and good that just irritates the shit out of you? Why do you never use good judgement, but just judge people without any fact, lots of fiction and fabrication?
Michelle Obama is acting as she would as a mother to her own children by trying to explain to millions of parents in America that how our kids eat is important. You call yourself a Momma Grizzly but it seems the only thing you want to do is eat your young.
Shut up Sarah, please, finally just shut up!
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