Friday, November 12, 2010

some people

And more people are coming forward recalling the times in their life when they were bullied. And more people are reading articles about youth, who so tired of being bullied, have taken their life just to end what for them had been an unbearable burden. And more people are saddened, and disheartened that in America 2010 we are still talking about the anger we have towards one another instead of how to channel that anger into something positive.

And some troops are being discriminated from the armed services because they no longer want to lie that they happen, among many things in their lives, to be Gay or Lesbian. And some troops content on living a double life, not telling, not being asked, but being told they are Gay or Lesbian are booted from serving their country. And some people wonder why a person’s sexuality, his /she gender preference for a mate or lover has anything to do with anything important in this country.

And some self proclaimed religious folk are appalled that Gays and Lesbians have any or some of the rights the Constitution of this Nation permits. And some self proclaimed religious leaders insist that the laws of a Nation created with separation of church and state should relay on the words of their perspective Bibles to dictate the freedoms or lack of freedoms of this the Nation. And some people are confused what ruling from or by any religion has anything to do with equality in this Nation.

And while we chatter, cajole, complain more teens are committing suicides, more troops being discharged and more pitchforks raised in the name of the Lord. And while we ruminate on the decline of morals and values because some people happen to prefer to make love to individuals of the same sex, we continue to act unethically, immorally, and with little conscience as we discriminate and divide against and towards members of our society.

And why is it those who seem to brag at how close they are to God, who say they know his/her every wish and commandment, who act as soldiers for God’s Holy War, seem to act with the most hate and bigotry and somehow reflect nothing God like at all? And why do those of us who believe in a loving God let them get away with it? And why is equality up to a vote by the majority of people, permitting them to pick and chose what they believe to be fair or equal? Why is it we took that right to discriminate away from the majority to decide if slavery was right or wrong, if suffrage was good or bad, if interracial marriage was evil or righteous, civil rights for the Blacks was decent or disturbing, but Gay rights are off base?

This MY America as much as it is for Senators who cheat on their wives… for Priests who violate the childhood of young boys and girls… for CEO’s who pollute the earth because bottom line profits are more important than rules and regulations… for corporations who buy elections caring more about the safety nets for their businesses than any thing safe for the consumer…for bigots and bastards using the Bible to hide their own self loathing and self righteous behavior…for liars who deny spewing hate even when they are recorded by audio and video… for Cardinals, Rabbi’s Imams, Pastors who refuse to recite truth but rally around fear and fabrications.

And more people are ringing their hands, rubbing their heads and wondering and worrying what is wrong? When do we stop this unnecessary charade filled with empty actions and begin to change the world in which we live to one of caring, concern and conscience?

This is MY America and I happen to be a middle aged white male, Jewish by birth and choice, educated, an employed tax paying citizen, father of two children, a volunteer for certain charities, a contributor to other charities, a great son and brother and partner, a wonderful friend, and Gay by genetics. I do not want to be separate but equal in anything I choose to do or try or live and I do not respect anyone who thinks they are better than me because of their religious or anti American self proclaimed prejudices.

I AM tired of talking about change and want it to happen sooner than later. I AM tired of being a scapegoat for some else’s failings, and I AM tired of having fingers pointed at me for someone else’s inability to look in the mirror and say they have victimized themselves.

Some people will talk and talk and talk and delay and delay and delay…it is time to step up, step forward place the line in the sand and say ENOUGH, this IS my life and I AM now taking control of it.

Some people just make me so sick and I am so tired of letting them win.

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