Sunday, November 14, 2010

real reality

I had the blah's the other day and decided to just veg on the sofa and lie in front of the television remote in hand, and force myself to watch the most inane and insulting reality shows cable TV could offer.

I had been a fan of American Idol and to this day love Kelly Clarkson, Carried Underwood, Chris Daughtry. I never was a fan of Simon not because of his taste, but because of his delivery. Never one for hate, or putting others down, I became offended by those who did and do and made the choice to remove myself from their company. There is enough evil in this world, I believe, that no one else needs to add flames to the fire and stoke the evil bond fire with more timber. So having watched Simon for the past few seasons, I understood that most of the success of American Idol was not to show case talented musicians, but to get enough sound bytes of venom and vile to tarnish the purist of hearts.

As a Gay man I am offended by most of the shows which appear on LOGO, the supposedly Gay/Lesbian channel. It (LOGO) came to great acclaim as the saving grace a place where Gays could feel comfortable and get their fair share of communications. All I seem to find on LOGO are a bunch of shows showcasing stereotypical cartoon characters of mostly Gay men who are pampered, spoiled, obnoxious, whiny, wimpy and good material to be used by the Evangelicals as to why homosexuality is a sin. (It would be for me as a Jewish man, to watch a channel of all Woody Allen movies where all he does is play a whiny, wimpy, spoiled, self serving Jewish man.) But to keep it fair and in sync with the heterosexual world, in the bitchy department, LOGO now allows us to see househusbands who drink, spill drinks on one another, work out get botox-ed, buy expensive clothes and complain that there is no one out there to trust or have a tryst with. They even provide their own bleached blonds to cat fight and claw one another. I am told by some friends that the meaner the boys, the happier they are to watch the show.

Then there is Jersey Shore, with Italian stallions, Italian whores, Italian idiots and Italian mean selfish insincere characters who offer noting but vomit, herpes, and hang overs. They bang each other, pull at each other's hair, have pose downs, get sloppy drunk and provide mean and hateful behavior. And the mot popular personalities on the show are the ones who can, in a single bound stab you in the back while their genitals are stabbing you in the front. And these useless people are in great demand and will continue to be as long as they perform their skanky, vile, antagonistic behavior. The bully is the best so say the viewers of this show.

And then sadly the most unreal and evil of the reality shows are all of the so called news shows on FOX Pac TV. The most mean spirited, bully pulpit, name calling, irresponsible blow hards have their own allotted hours to spew lies, release venom, and vilify any and all as they so choose (of course never based on fact just hand written fiction). From Bill O'Reilly constantly talking about taking out someone with either a bullet or a brick to Glenn Beck pronouncing everyone as a Nazi (makes you wonder if someone who is always using Nazi to describe everyone around him if he dost protest too loudly), Sean Hannity proclaiming those around him as anti white, anti Christian, and anti American, and Sarah Palin ready to take target practice against anyone who comes up with real facts to challenge her phony fabrications.

Whether it be Simon Cowell telling fat girls they have no right to sing, to some steroided spoiled house husband complaining because botox does not work long enough, to Snooki pulling yet one more persons hair to the bigotry, bias, homophobia, racism of the FOX Pac non patriots, the bully seems to be the headline star in America 2010. The uglier the comment, the more brutal the rebuttal, the more bizarre the behavior, these reality stars and the hundreds just like them rack in the dough, the headlines and the topic of conversation. And for a vast majority of people they are hero's.

What has happened to a culture that... permits rude behavior, angry rhetoric, lies, irresponsible actions, no consequences for personal attacks, no remorse for hurting someone, immoral and unethical practices to be rewarded and made into star power? I am not sure of the far reaches of this kind of behavior, but most recently this country has witnessed an immediate response...the results of the 2010 midterms.

It seems low life is now high life. Truth needs no facts, just emotion. Consequences only come to those who want consensus. Common ground is not welcome unless you think, look, pray just like me. And bad is so much better.

Kind of scary and as to add a bit of Palinism, 'doncha know!"

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