Tuesday, December 7, 2010

because they can

I remember, living in Pittsburgh in the early 50's, how my parents and neighbors wondered out loud why would Negro's want to move into our neighborhood, a very white middle to upper class Jewish kind of neighborhood. After all they would mutter, why move to a place you were not welcomed or for that matter wanted? I also remember the same group of Jewish folk lamenting the fact that there was another neighborhood, the first really upscale suburban neighborhood right outside of Pittsburgh where the deed restrictions made it clear no Negro's Catholics or Jews were welcomed. And in unison this same group could not understand why a very rich resident of my neighborhood a predominant Jew was tempting to move. Leave well enough alone they shuddered.

I remember when most of the schools in the various neighborhoods of Pittsburgh were either all White or all Black with the exception of the token children of a janitor attending the school his or her parent worked. I remember the talk that we should leave the schools as they are because thats how they always were, and its worked that way in the past and why make unnecessary changes now. Blacks were not welcome in White schools and for sure Whites were never wanted in Black schools.

I grew up in elementary school then middle school thinking that why would or should anyone make waves, want changes, change the status quo when in fact it was assumed the status quo worked. Then the late sixties happened and I became more involved in the world other than my intermediate world. I met more people not exactly like me, more people who had more ideas, more thoughts and more life experiences than I ever imagined.

At first thought on the subject of Gays in the military, I thought why would anyone Gay or Lesbian want to serve in the military when those in the armed service have little regard, respect and lots of reservations about who they are, who they sleep with and the prospect that whatever it is they do will lead them to a rosy road to hell. At first thought I thought how crazy is that for men and women who are homosexuals to want to serve this country when a bunch of heterosexuals don't want to be around them.

And then I realized as I did when I entered high school, that this is America, this is a land of freedom, a place of equality a home of the brave who made it safe for ALL Americans to strive, thrive and live. And I realized that this is a country where you can live where you choose, attend school where you choose, and serve your country as you choose. And this is a country I thought that YOU never had to lie, to do any of it. We are Americans living by a Constitution with inalienable rights for all entitling us to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

To all those who have family and neighbors who preach, (many who think it comes from God's ear to their mouth) that Gays should be happy lying, Gays are sinners thus not real Americans, Gays only serve in the armed services to see naked same gender men and women shower, or that gays should not serve in military because they are not welcomed its never been that way...they have no idea what being an American is all about! And for those who remain silent on not repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell because the military has always been a segregated Institution of this Nation and saying anything won't solve the issue, you are as guilty and dumb as those who run rampant at the mouth to keep the Gays from serving.

We all remained silent way too long in allowing people to live in neighborhoods they choose or attending schools they select. We shamelessly and painfully changed that. The gay community learned from the outbreak of AIDS that silence equaled death, and WE, YOU, US can no longer remain silent by tolerating hate, bigotry, lies and any kind of bias based on a false interpretation of God, racism and homophobia.
I don't undersand why Gays and Lesbians want to honor a Nation whose leaders only play at wanton and wasted politics. Whose leaders know little about honor and more about hate?Or whose leaders justify injustice. But Gays and Lesbians want to serve and this IS America and they have the right to do it openly and honestly!

Enough permitting anti American rhetoric, replace all America hope. Enough! Let's finally take back America.

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