A key procedural vote on the bill containing a repeal of the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy failed Thursday, likely dealing a final blow to advocates who hoped to overturn the 17-year old ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military during this session of Congress. (First Read from NBC News)
Once again some Americans are being told it is just not time to make you as equal as anyone else. Once again, the Gays and the Lesbians are not true Americans when they wish to serve openly in the military, but can be secret soldiers all they want. Once again God has intervened into the lives of Americans and is being used as a scapegoat as to why being a Gay or Lesbian soldier is bad. Once again those elected politicians have decided that it is better to serve constituents who hate over Americans who risk their lives for those who hate all Americans. Once again the bigot is buoyant, the hater is heralded, the stupid supreme. God Bless America!
Maybe the majority of Republicans voting against the repeal doesn’t hate the homos all that much, but really want to place one more nail in the promise coffin of the President. You know, the President who said he will promise that the lame duck Congress will repeal DADT. Maybe the majority of Republicans voting against the repeal want to take hostage the Gays and Lesbians in the armed services and make the great hostage negotiator, the President acquiesce one more time to their demands. Maybe the majority of Republicans voting against the repeal are just plain and simple insecure about their own masculinity or their husbands masculinity and since most of them, except for the aging and senile John McCain, didn’t serve in the military can’t let Gays outshine them in bravery and fortitude.
I never had to serve this Nation and am grateful for those who want to risk their lives to protect us. But I wonder why our Gay and Lesbian Troops have not had enough of this political/religious hypocrisy bull shit and resigned or quit. Imagine if on the same day ALL of the liars in the armed services came forward and said I am Gay, I am a Lesbian. Imagine if they all said America you find me to be a second class citizen, so I quit. Imagine if they shouted in unison politicians ask your straight sons or daughters to enlist, take our place fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. If we have to stay in closet to protect America ask your darling children to take our places.
DADT… yep do the American thing but do it as you lie. Do the American thing but do it as a second class citizen. Do the American thing but know as you do it you are not the good American I am because I happen to be a heterosexual. Do the American thing and we as homophobes, racists, bigots, ignoramuses, selfish, self serving political wind bags only concerned about our careers will do our most Un-American thing and deny you equal rights.
This country was NOT based on Jesus and the New Testament. This country was NOT based on the many denying the few the same rights as they. This country was NOT based on ignorance, fear, loathing. This is MY country and I am so damned tired of having to save it from those who fear themselves so much and have no idea how rotten their lives have become so as to find scapegoats for the ill they refuse to own.
Just a suggestion: Why not go one step further, haters, why not continue this witch hunt and kick out ALL the Gays and Lesbians (you know even in the closet we can see you when you undress). Have ALL of your sons and daughters fight Al-Qaida the Taliban, Osama, and those self conceived anti Christian enemies. Make John McCain your General, and rid this Nation of all the demons (they plan on doing that in Uganda).
DADT, just a symptom of the sickness sweeping this country by permitting the ill to multiply and the non ill doing nothing at all to stop them.
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