And we are told as if God has spoken only to the tellers of the tale, the Republicans/Tea Baggers, that they and only they can do the will of the people, save the children and make America safe. We are preached to, by the Christian Conservatives, that only in their church, does God speak to them telling them how to govern this country and provide family values for the true Americans, the ones that aren’t of any minority and the ones who vote Republican/Tea Bag.
We are told that the Christian way was and is the way the Founding Fathers created this nation; and, although it was never spelled out in the Constitution the Republican/Tea Baggers, know from the New Testament that the intent was there.
YET, when the politicians who identify themselves as good Christian Senators or Congress People are asked to step up to the plate and practice what they preach, they somehow stop short of delivering God’s true message to the American public.
The Republican/ Tea Baggers dragged their feet on repealing DADT. They stopped the Dream Act, are pontificating as to the lack of merits for funding the health care of the First Responders from 9/11. They reluctantly permitted the unemployed from receiving any money at all to pay any kind of bill. And they are trying their best to stop universal health care in this nation.
We hear that all of this denial is to stop the deficit from hemorrhaging any further. But somehow it is okay for the hemorrhaging to happen if it helps the wealthy stay richer by lowering their taxes and permitting the inheritance tax to grow smaller and smaller.
We hear from the Republican/Tea Baggers that they are making the sacrifices now so our children and grandchildren will not have to pay for our misdeeds. Yet right now the children of the unemployed, the First Responders, the illegal’s, the poor are suffering and may not grow old enough to enjoy any kind of life.
All we hear is the hypocrisy of falsehoods, fear baiting, and foolishness. All we hear is that some are doing God’s work but doing so as only selfish humans know how. All we hear is why not and never why.
There are many lemmings living in denial in this great land. There are many who love placing blame on everyone else and never towards themselves. There are many who need others to think for them and many who just act as if they were zombies, walking, talking but never thinking. That group of people (with the help of the ignorant who did not vote or felt voting would not make a difference) elected enough Republican/Tea Baggers to stop anything Christian like let alone Democratic like, from happening in the United States.
I am so tired hearing about the Christian way forward by a group of self serving, self preserving heathens. I am so tired of the Republican/Tea Baggers claiming only they speak for God. I am so tired of the deafening silence from everyone else.
Come on people with real values, real conscience, real God like qualities make a stand, move up, take responsibility. Can’t you speak up louder than the screech of the haters? Don’t we deserve more than this? Do you hear what I hear?
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