Senator Tom Coburn a self proclaimed Christian, a believer in Creationism, a hater of homosexuals, a man who swears he sweats red, white and blue, a man who is a firm believer in Family Values, Senator Tom Coburn who knows good from bad, right from wrong, Americans from Socialists, just can't understand why there is a hurry to pass the First Responders Bill before Christmas, or at least before the Party of No takes greater control of this government.
It is, according to his reasoning, the reasoning based on his views of the New Testament which when necessary trumps the Constitution, important to help these people, but it might cost too much money to do so. America, according to Senator Tom Coburn's reasoning, needs to spend less money on the poor and save those dollars by permitting businesses and the wealthy to get any tax break they deserve. We got to cut the deficit Senator Coburn preaches along with his Party of No and saving lives, quality of life, is not as important.
This is the Christmas season according to Senator Tom Coburn, and John Kyl, and Lindsey Graham, so providing any kind of Christian like policies is not appropriate, not until this season of giving is over at least. Doncha' know Christmas time is time to be home with your families, you know the families of employed senators, families covered by socialist health care, families who have a house to call home. Sick First Responders can wait.
Shame on anyone who can talk away the health and welfare of another American. Shame on anyone who thinks that the sick, the poor, the homeless can wait. And shame on anyone who voted for the people who could care less.
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