First the War on Christmas was declared, now in addition to that the frenzied fabricators of fact-less fact at FOX-Pac News have now extended the battle field to include a War on Santa. Revving up the riotous rebels of the Conservative Christians (the ones who love telling other people how to live their lives), Unfair and Never Balanced Bill O, Televangelist Beck and Roger Ails are now proclaiming Satan is taking ho, ho, ho from Christmas and replacing it with a large lump of anti Christian coal.
Joining this trio of misfits is Bill Donohue the head of the Catholic League, an organization established to protect all things Catholic. Mr. Donohue is upset at the New York YMCA for taking Santa Claus out of Christmas. He is very upset at the fact that Santa Claus- who was not part of Christmas for a very long time- has been removed in favor of Frosty the Snowman. He wants heads to roll at the YMCA!
Somehow there is eagerness to declare a war on Christmas, (the holiday started the day after Halloween, this IS not a Christian nation by law, you can not walk anywhere without seeing Christmas lights or hear Christmas carols), and somehow declaring that this is an unjust war is way more important than the wars on the Unemployed, Gay Rights, Illegal’s, Tax Breaks for the Middle Class and Poor or Health Insurance for All. Somehow the fact that Christmas is off and running, healthy and thriving needs the attention from people who find the real events in our life to be less important and less relevant.
And by the way, Mr. Donohue finds little time to declare war on the pedophile priests and the head in the sand Vatican who deny that young boys and girls have been molested and harassed by the Catholics he so readily demands we protect. Really?!
Sarah Palin is a culture icon. She has demonstrated some of the worst qualities in America of 2010, be nothing, do nothing, say nothing---of substance and do nothing, be nothing, say nothing ENOUGH and you can become famous. She joins such luminaries as Paris Hilton all of the ‘Kardashian’s’, each every The Housewives Of whatever city, ‘Snookie’ and the Situation.
Yet the news media, wait with baited breath, hound her, seek her out and proclaim she is actually presidential candidate material. Sarah shoots moose for fun, explains (or her ghost writer) her plan for running the US government via Twitter and Facebook, never permits anyone except those who supply her with answers to question her and opens up wounds that this nation has tried to heal for decades.
Millions of Mama Grizzlies, religious bigots, unfamiliar citizens with the Constitution who are careless of the truth or fact follow her every word. And still, (even though she is a millionaire three times over), consider her to be that plain and simple Ms Wasilla who is just like them. There is a sucker born every minute so the saying goes and Sister Sarah, as dumb as they come, is smart enough to sucker them in.
And all the so called smart people do is ring their hands, laugh at her antics and swear in amazement that she is so popular. And these same smart people snidely snicker thinking she will never get elected as President. Really?!
The President has made an impassioned speech, once again as it relates to helping those in this country who so often are left without a voice. He has sworn his allegiance to the unemployed and stated that this bipartisan compromise was necessary to permit them to receive their unemployment checks. He said that passing this compromise on the Bush tax cuts will stimulate the economy. He mentions that the money generated from the tax cuts or unemployment benefits will keep millions Americans afloat and stimulate the economy. But the President says very little about how tax cuts for the wealthy 2%, and the inheritance tax cut will diminish revenues and increase the deficit. He tells us what is good about the compromise, but somehow ignores the rest.
The President had a majority in both the House and the Senate, had two years to state his agenda, reach his goals, two years to work with his party in power and show the American public, both skeptics and fans that his change was something we could believe in. Two years to accomplish changes for the people who voted him into office, who needed his bully pulpit to be heard, who trusted he was not just another politician worried about his reputation and his running for office again. And suddenly this President takes the last two months to try and get his promises into fruition.
Once again, I feel we are faced with the lesser of two evils. Give the rich a tax break so the middle class and poor can sustain some form of life. Tell us we all will have universal health care but pass the damn bill and take out the universal part. Tell the Republicans you will acquiesce to their demands because that is called compromise but you do all the compromising.
And tell the LGBT community that you are a believer in their equal rights but do absolutely nothing in your power to make it happen. Tell us you will have DADT repealed in the lame duck congress, but sit on your hands with a tape across your mouth. Tell us from your podium that next time tax breaks for the wealthy come up you will fight it. Tell us we should all be grateful for your promises and forget that most of them were more rhetoric than anything else.
Tell us that getting your priorities finished was more important than being elected for a second term as you proclaimed a few months ago, but now tell us that it will take a second term to get them realized. Tell us to believe you, just like we believe the used car salesman who says the car was only driven by an old lady who used it to go to church on Sundays. Tell us to vote for you again. Tell us you are change we can believe in. Really?!
Some time really is just not real enough. sometimes it just sucks and we all end up with the pucker mouth. Really!
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