Thursday, December 2, 2010

who are we?

I have two burning questions which seem to race around my mind in unrelenting sequences. “Who are these people” and “Who do they think they are”?

Who are these people, the current crop of Republican/Tea Bag politicians who seem more concerned about their own jobs and less concerned with jobs for most Americans? Who are these people who say we can’t afford to pay extended benefits to the unemployed while arrogantly stating that the wealthy (at an estimated cost to the deficit of 7 billion dollars) must continue to receive tax cuts. Who are these rogues and hooligans who unlike Robin Hood steal from the poor and give to the rich?

Who are these small minded lemmings like creatures that proudly boast about less government but never say a word about poverty, unemployment, homelessness? Who are these self proclaimed patriots who carry tea bags paid for by millionaires but who carry little responsibility to help the greater good? Who are these people draped in the flag who resent, hate; despise anyone that tries to make a better life for themselves?

Who are these people the majority of Democrats elected who have lost their backbone, their conscience, their balls permitting a minority to bully them, allowing them to dictate the rules of the game? Who are these people living in the White House who make grandiose statements of what is right and good and allow the bully to kick sand in their faces? Who are these people (the Dems) trying to find compromise with a band of goons (the Republicans/Tea Baggers) who lie about their intentions to mediate never wanting consensus but grabbing at concessions?

“Who are these people” who quietly ring their fingers hoping that the boogie man will evaporate, disappear, and stop disparaging the true democracy of this Nation? Who are these people who sat home not voting because all politicians are idiots all politicians are the same, all politicians are out for themselves? Who are these people who voted the bums out after two years permitting the old bums to be voted back into power? Who are these people who allow the party of “No” to keep saying “No” and not engaging with outrage and backlash?

And “who do these people think they are”? We have people crying less government but denying rights for Gays to marry or serve in the military, deny children of illegal aliens to find a path to citizenship, defuse the START Treaty with Russia making the world less safe and more profuse in nuclear weapons, deny a women’s right to seek an abortion, denying freedom of religion, denying Health care for all, refusing to accept any rules or regulations for the Financial markets, saying that God promised Noah he would never destroy human life thus refusing to believe there is global warming, apologizing to BP for calling them on the carpet for their insidious and careless concern for safety?

And “who are these people”, who permit wealthy millionaires to write their scripts, pay their bills, lobby those we elect, advance the rift between the haves and the not’s to such a degree that the middle class will soon no longer exist? “Who are these people” wrapped in the flag with New testament Bibles draped around their collars, calling every one who dresses different then they, pray differently then they, love differently then they, speak differently then they, un American, Communist, Socialist, Terrorist, Enemy?

And after I ask these questions over and over a third question comes jumping in my head…”Who are WE, to permit this to happen”?

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