Trump is intimidated by anything with the word Obama in front of it. Trump believes that a quick Executive Order can eliminate most of the work begun by President Obama. Trump never looks beyond his own image, and imagines that if no one says the words President Obama ever again, then Trump will become the president adored; adored as his older children/the Russians/people who need hate to thrive/the masses who prefer to find scapegoats for their own inadequacies/and the fools who just hated Hillary, just because and voted for Trump…ADORE him! And in his insecure attempt to eradicate anything Obama from the environment to science to a living wage to immigration and now to health care, Trump and His Legion of Doom will permit the premeditated deaths of millions. Trump and His Republican anarchists are building a form of concentration camps in this nation, perhaps not physical stations (but places in each state for those states whose Governor and Legislatures are majority Republican) where Medicaid will be either be eliminated or lessened, health care costs skyrocketing in price…and in this states like concentration camps the inhabitants will surly survive, but the quality of their lives will be miserable.
KellyAnne Conway, is Ann Coulter on steroids, we know that, and we know she lies for a living and the more exaggerated her commentary, the more inflammatory her verbiage, the more disgusting her innuendo, the more money she makes. One time some of media refused to have her on their shows, knowing full well the next word out of her mouth would be a lie…But she is back, and she is now informing us that being poor is tough shit, to be poor is to not be able to afford health care or Medicaid. Tough shit, for YOU poor person even if you are someone’s grandmother, a Veteran, a young child living in a below poverty family and even a good Christian kind of person who prayed to God but still became addicted to opioids…the American way is capitalism free market…don’t want to die get a job or to or three…Concentration camp living, the kind of life where you barely survive day to day, of course not for KellyAnne, nope she will do fine, as long as she continues to lie, lie, lie for Emperor with no clothes.
So, now America, those of you who are sons or daughters spouses grand grandchildren of Veterans, who have been silent regarding all of the Nazi’s working in the White House. Those of you who are Veterans, who have suffered terrible effects from the Korean and Viet Nam Wars, or friends and family of those Vets, who have remained silent as anyone Trump has embraced the Communist state and Putin. All of you who are first or second generation of Immigrants whose own lives depended on coming to America, who have remained silent with Trumps build a wall campaign. All of you who are women, or daughters, or sons or husbands who love a female and believe her reproductive rights belong to her, all of you who have remained silent as women are becoming nothing but male owned chattel…All of you who were fucking proud to cast your vote for Trump because he was nothing more but a reality star with lots of snake oil promises…are you going to remain silent as at 26 million people begin to live their lives as if in a concentration camp…are you going to remain silent as older Americas just die because they cannot afford their Medicaid and are too frail to work (even if they could find a job)…The thing about concentration camps is that they downsize, infant when a new demographic is the next target, more get built…The Gays learned during the AIV/AIDS Crisis SILENCE EQUALS DEATH. Trump is sick his regime is sick. The GOP Leadership is sick,,,and now tell me why you remain SILENT?