Curious adolescent boy David MacLean (Jimmy Hunt) confronts aliens who have set up base in his backyard. The extraterrestrials intend to use mind control on the local townsfolk. Determined to stop the invaders, who have already co-opted his father (Leif Erickson), he attempts to warn others. But when local law officers also succumb, David teams up with astronomer Stuart Kelston (Arthur Franz) and Dr. Pat Blake (Helena Carter), and the trio must fight together to repel the insidious intruders. {Invaders From Mars, Story by John Tucker Battle- 1953} I remember going to the Drive-In watching this movie, and to this day, of the hundreds of SCI-FI movies i have watched, Invaders From Mars still terrifies me. At first I thought I was afraid of the aliens (back in the 50’s everyone was scared of the Little Green Men from Mars), but the older I became and a little more savvy about UFO’s/Green Men/Aliens, I realized that my fear regarding Invaders From Mars, truly stemmed from the idea that little David MacLean saw, firsthand what was happening to his town, but had NO ONE to turn to, he could trust, to help him. And worst of all the people he did trust like his father and the sheriff, the protectors of freedom were the the ENEMY. OY! Just like Stephen King characters who know the next door neighbor is a Vampire or Maniac or a Creature, those characters know the truth but the people they trust the MOST to help make the BAD go away are just as EVIL as the Monsters!
Today, as of no surprise to me or perhaps the millions of Americans who were shocked that Hillary lost the Electoral College but won stunningly with the popular vote…the millions of Americans who knew that the Senate would once again become a Dem majority…the millions of Americans who just could NOT understand the topsy-turvy event of Trumps win…to those millions the news today that the GOP leadership was aware of the Russian hacking into state polling places…that the GOP state Attorney’s General who refused to even look at the possibility of hacking…that evidence has been uncovered and is still be found that the leadership of GOP partnered with Putin to keep democracy from America…to all of us Millions, FINALLY, something we all knew, something terrible rotting away at our democratic foundation, something which has been poohed poohed and ignored by almost every single Republican pundit and politician has been proven to be true. The Millions of us were like little David MacLean who knew that the martians were using mind control to take over the world, his world, and NO BODY WANTED TO BELIVE HIM!
And yet, many will refuse to think that something this anti-American could or would happen. And yet the people in charge like little David MacLean’s father and Sheriff are a part of the entire plot to decimate democracy. We have already had special elections, at the ready to blame anyone and anything for the dems loss, YET, we find all knew the Russians hacked the 2016 elections…so why not continue hacking the current crop of 2017 elections…and EVEN WORSE, nothing is being done to STOP the collusion of Russian and Republican hacking of the 2018 elections. At the end of the Invaders From Mars movie, we find that everything little David MacLean saw, was a dream…at first we (at least I) felt relief…PHEW…but then that camera pans in on little David MacLean waking up from his nightmare, only to look out his bedroom window to actually see, as he is awake, the UFO land in his backyard…and this time it is not a dream but real…I am still terrified!