The longer I have been interested in the politics of this nation, the more I have become wary of certain signals politicians provide the public, in trying to temper the mood, the temperature and the general environment of acceptance or rejection. I of course am not speaking about the die hard Trump lemmings, the men and women whose own parents fought in WWWII against the Nazi’s and who who somehow believe a good American now a days can zig heil, or the families whose loved ones died or fought in Korea and Viet Nam and think embracing Putin’s Communism is pure apple pie, and I am not speaking about the Southern rednecks who want God to Bless America, but the Confederate States of America…I am speaking about the average America, the person who still wants to see the tax returns…who still wants checks and balances…and who realizes that Hillary, Hillary, Hillary was not why Trump is sitting in the Oval Office…
On Thursday, that monumental waste of time, when the Senate Intel Committee divided by partisan lines interviewed James Comey (This man actually WAS the Director of the FBI, what a willy nilly spineless person), only to find the results they were always looking for…if you were a Dem, Trump lies has lied and will continue to lie, or if you are a GOP, Trump is new at this, just like his Christianity, he is a baby Christian and a baby President…nothing major was uncovered, but for me something was discovered…the discovery came from an interview by Senator Angus King of Maine, and Independent of all things. Senator King, was petty vociferous in his description of Comey’ interview, and stood firm on the conviction that Trump was up to something. But it was after that discussion that I heard Senator King INSIST and INSIST in that government voice (where his lips are not really moving, but words are coming out of his mouth) Senator King INSISTED too many times that even though the Russians attempted to hack into the polling stations of this nation in November, they were not successful. The Senator, for whom I have great respect, disappointed me in his non answer response. It seemed to me Senator King just didn’t want to discuss the drama, trauma and consequences of finding the truth, that perhaps the November election, not just for Trump but for the entire Congress had been hacked and planned by Russia.
I will not recall in detail that horrible night of Trumps victory, but the shock of some key Senate races, the determination of who the majority would be seemed to suddenly turn to the right, and almost each and every talking head on the planet and statistician were INCORRECT. Too perfect of a surprise, and still the saddest news of current history for me. So, I have to wonder, now with more and more information being collected on Trump and the Russians, if Senator King was just trying to buy us off, trying to not open Pandora's Box of chaos. Sometimes when a politician tells me not to worry and repeats it over and over and over, I worry, and I wonder