Dear Jeff Sessions, were there just too many Russians you had met with causing you to forget if you had spoken with or met with even one, or maybe all of their names sounded the same with an ski at the end? had you met in just too many darn back alleys, Jeff Sessions, that your mind just couldn’t place the where and when you met with the Russians? And Jeff Sessions, did the bad ass Senator Harris make you nervous because, when you usually lie, you are in the company of fellow white sons and daughters of the Confederacy and a woman of color is so intimidating?
Dear John (The Maverick) McCain, you had no fear of women when you selected a mama Bear, or Moose, (whatever the fuck she identifies as now a days) to be your VP. Why you let your people place her on the ballot most likely thinking she is purty white female and as a Republican purty white female, she will know her place and be as subservient as a woman should be. But Johnny, twice you have become so flustered when Senator Harris displayed the audacity to seek the truth from the little lying elf Jeff Sessions and James Comey. You still carry that stink of losing to Obama, and for some reason, can’t understand just how Hillary is so much more popular than you. So John McCain you try to interrupt, telling that strong woman of color, Senator Harris to be respectful. Respectful, bull shit Senator Maverick, you and your GOP comrades are trying to steal democracy from America. You are the perfect poster child for term limits.
Dear Senator Harris, PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE never stop fighting for justice, truth and democracy. The White Men of a Certain Age GOP Senators know how to fight off the lack of back boned male Democrat Senators, but they are besides themselves when women actually demonstrate the use balls. It seems the Senate loves being a Good Ole Boys Club, please Senator Harris, tear down each and every brick.