…Wowza, wowza, read all about it…the Russians did in deed hack the election in 2016…wowza, wowza, the hacking by the Russians did effect the results in some states…wowza, wowza, 2016 defied almost every single scientific polling and wham bam the Republicans maintained their majority in the House and a slight majority in the Senate…wham bam ma’m Mitch McConnell risked the seat on the Supreme Court by denying President Obama a mere nomination to the Judiciary, what foresight, what political courage by MCConnell, what a payoff, McConnell must have made from Putin…step right up, the Republicans are hesitant to tarnish the good name of Trump, so they have denied any and all true investigations into Trump and Co’s allegiances with the Russians…GOP American hero’s or GOP American Jihadist’s…right this way…one by one the Trump Administration hires attorney’s…two by two the attorney's hire attorneys…justice is blind, and anyone Trump hopes the rest of this nation remains BLIND also…
Nothing to see here say the Trump Administration…”what, me worry” tweets Trump why would we fix the election process when there is nothing wrong with it, I won… the sky is falling shout the Dems as they also brag about special elections and how this time , just by saying it, we are going to beat those GOP bastards…we must make sure we win in 2018…the Russians hacked into the polling stations in 2016…nothing has been into place to stop it in 2018…Dems the sky isn’t falling it has, so get your head out of you asses and replace the sky…the blame game shout the Dems…Nancy, Nancy, bo, Bancy, Nancy…Pelosi must go, she isn’t helping us win…lets all be moderates, America loves moderates, except when they vote for Conservative Republicans…
…More revelations than found in the Bible regarding Trump and Republican collusion…rapture for trump and Republicans, cause its easier to screw the Constitution than to abide by it…thous shalt not’s have become thou sure as hell will…as long as one side demands we play by the rules, while the other side breaks them and breaks them…talking heads delighted to discuss, never ever talking the real shit, just stuff they make up…TV entertainers pretend they forecast the news but just invent it…and real journalists are hardly heard from, or when finally found..talking heads with nothing but their own agenda debate the truth…Ladies and gentlemen, may I present 2018, right around the corner, but this years model will definitely look like its predecessor 2016…You go Vladimir, you go…