Parading themselves as concerned for their Constituents, pretending that a real voter’s voice matters, Senator Collins from Maine and Senator Murkowski from Alaska demurred as delightfully as one would expect and without moving their lips so the words coming forth could be heard, but only in a whisper (because these Senators know audio and video have a half life longer than radiation) peppered the Press with a well this Health Bill is not quite up to snuff, and before we vote on it, some changes must be made. Collins and Murkowski like dressing up as the Moderate Wing of the Republican Party…offering just enough resistance to hopefully fool their more intelligent Republican base, but not enough to offend the Tea Baggers/White Supremacists/ and of course Christian Conservatives. These two Senators like to say what the people want, then do as Mitch McConnell directs them. Don’t be fooled, the objects in this mirror are a lot closer to Comrade McConnell then they let on!
Rand Paul and Ted (The Prophet) Cruz, were quite pissy, it seemed to them that something is rotten in America if ALL of its citizens should have affordable health care. Surely for Cruz (with whom he has had dozens of conversations with Jesus), it is not the right Christian Conservative principle to let people be healthy, and for Rand Paul, if you want to suffer and die, it is not the government’s position to intervene, (except of course if you are a female and want an abortion). Both Senators have an image to live up, albeit that image was destroyed by Trump during the primaries. So Cruz and Paul will sigh and stammer build up just enough FOX News 15 minutes of fame, so the stupid who support them will believe both Senators actually care. But…don’t be fooled the objects in this mirror are a lot closer to Comrade McConnell then they let on.
Wealthy talking heads on TV the ones who can purchase really good health care are doing their best to pretend the Trump Health Care debate, is a DEBATE. They pretend that for the past 8 years, Comrade McConnell has gotten what he wanted always at the expense of the American always on the Expense account of the Corporations are are suddenly more important people. The Senate needs a 50 vote with of course Mr God Loves Me Best VP Pence breaking the tie. So Comrade Mitch McConnell will permit a few Senators to act the boisterous bull shitter’s, but, Mitch knows he calls the shots. the Talking Heads will pretend that this is not a done deal…but life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has never been a concern for the Republicans, so why start now. Warning all Senators may look larger than life, but they all are a lot closer to Comrade McConnell!