The thing about Republican politicians is a simple THING: if something bad happens to them, no matter how horrific, unbelievable, awful, sinful, insidious that THING had been to the average American, IT never mattered BECAUSE, that THING wasn’t personal enough.
Today, Jason Chaffetz, one of the most hypocritical and self serving of current GOP douchebags, rumored to have some kind of financial ties to a few Russians, was JUST bedside himself regarding the shooting of Rep Scalise during the GOP baseball game practice.
Jason Chaffetz, wants protections from guns. According to Mr Chaffetz, it JUST isn’t right that anyone can shoot at a politician…HUH! The man whose Party’s answer to school shootings is just give the teachers guns…the man whose Party’s response for gun violence is no back ground checks…the man whose Party thinks Assault weapons, silencers and multi capacity ammunition is the American Way…this man who has voted and voted and voted for MORE guns, with less restrictions, SUDDENLY thinks, guns ONLY used at politicians should have some kind of restriction… it was like that time when Ronald Reagan’s health issues with Alzheimers became public (after all he was JUST the president and none of us were supposed to know how ill he was), and suddenly Nancy decided that stem cell research was NOT a bad thing after all… The Republicans bathe inn hypocrisy, they feed upon it, they could care less if they are called out on it and will like Trump call it a witch hunt. Jason Chaffetz is alarmed it seems that now other people, not just Right Wing people want to use their Second Amendment Rights, and NOW as he is leaving Congress, believes we have a gun problem…OMG!