Even though it was a Saturday, Saturday, October 14, 2017, to be exact, I knew i had to get to the gym and burn off some angst, anger, and frustration…I had already over consumed too much Trump, and needed DESPERATELY to exorcise his stench from my gut and my mind. Saturday at my gym is crazy, any kind of normal gym patterns are thrown for a loop, because on Saturdays you have various groups of people who play by different gym rules. Okay, I knew what I was getting into, but one more moment alone in my home, with yet one more amazingly stupid Trump action or tweet or response, I would certainly go MAD. So I headed to the gym. I got to the weight areas and there was a certain rhythm in place, not too many people taking selfies while sitting on a machine, not too many people trying to uses two machines at one time, and not too many people first sending a text then lifting a weight then sending another text. I could do this, and since Saturday was my free day, I had no routine in mind, and I could accommodate the weird world of weights, as I tried to sweat out the weight of Trump hovering over my mind and body.
The attitude of the crowd, the look at me , now don’t look at me, the LA attitude of privilege FINALLY got the better of me, so I ended my workout with weights and headed to the cardio room. Alas, alack, that space was also crowded, but along with Trump on my mind, and now the absolute entitled behavior of the weight room, I needed to sweat away every single moment of awful, the day had presented so far. I found the one available treadmill, the one of only four that has a 30 degree incline to it. I placed my ear buds tightly in my ears, wiping away any noise from the crowd, played my music loud, and began my journey to climb 30 degrees at a very fast pace, hoping that with each step and bead of sweat the horror that is Trump might disappear into the fog of a drenching workout.
“Traveling somewhere, could be anywhere, theres coldness in the air.
But I don't care. We drift deeper, Life goes on, we drift deeper, into the sound." I was listening to my Extra Energy Playlist, the song, ‘As The Rush Comes’, by Motorcycle…I have 5 more minutes left of my 30 minute climb, all the way to 30 degrees. “So, bring it on, bring it on, embrace me as the rush comes.”…I am a wet mess, drenched in sweat, tired but relieved that all I am thinking about is the finish…WHEN, something surreal, or at least at the moment I suspected it had to be surreal or a lack of oxygen…The treadmill I was using faces three TV monitors, usually I pay little attention as something politically disturbing will be on the screen, but here I was almost finished, feeling fine…on screen number one, was MSNBC reminding us that Trump decertified the Iran Nuclear Deal, and is certain also that North Korea is selling nuclear components to Iran…on screen two is a local network reminding us it’s not too late to buy tickets to Disney Christmas, showcasing Cinderella’s castle with gentle white snow oh so tenderly blowing…on screen three was CNN announcing that the Motion Picture Industry is removing any trace of Harvey Weinstein. “So bring it on, bring it on, we drift deeper into the song, life goes on.” I had finished my 30 minutes at 30 degrees, met my goal was sweaty, salty and smelly…But even with my victory all I could think of as it seemed all three monitors were combined into one, was the following…Will anyone really be around Christmas time to visit Disneyland, and if they do will the snow falling actually be acid rain from the nuclear cloud which will float freely around the world, and will Trump somehow fly Harvey Weinstein into that special bunker reserved for the president, and will the two sexual predators wait out the nuclear winter to resume their insidious behavior toward women. Then I hit the STOP button, my treadmill ceased to move, my mind however was in free flow…and I wondered am I just going crazy?