Godzilla VS Mothra, Alien VS Predator, Michael Myers VS Freddie, Dracula VS Frankenstein used to make for a good evening of eating popcorn, sipping a soda watching movies where the bad guys battle the bad guys wondering who the Baddest Ass in town might be. Both monsters or creatures or madmen were no good, and somehow there was great glee in watching them out evil one another. Those were the movies, and no matter what or whom in the end, the movie was finished and as an audience member there was some gratification that the bad guy didn’t always win. And for me more importantly, the bad guys felt the what it was like to receive the same kind of punishment they often time dolled out to others. There is a new monster movie battle arising known as Bannon VS McConnell, its subtitle is called “They eat their own.” This one has the same potential as the other great Villain VS Villain flicks, but in this case, the problem is that the viewer may not just be the observer, but indeed the recipient of the same kind of punishment both bad guys give and receive.
The Republican Party, starting with their lack of respect toward President Obama and their refusal to willingly pass any legislation Obama initiated, decided a long time ago that the dark side, was a better way to usurp democracy. We all know as children, no matter where our family’s foundation flourished that once you play with the Devil, once you tempt the Devil, once you deal with the Devil, there is NO return from the Devil’s woeful powers. Be it the wealthiest of Republican donors, whose respect for their bottom line is greater than the silly words in the US Constitution…the hypocritical heathens claiming to be Evangelicals caring only for the rights of the unborn and the sanctity of heterosexual marriages (no matter how many the same person may have)…the professional politicians who make a living ripping off the average American, the GOP has embraced an ANTI-AMERICAN policy and in doing so has sided with wealthy Russian oligarchs, and sadly wealthy American oligarchs who find treason and anarchy silly words and actions.
Normally I would love to see Bannon VS MCConnell tear away at one another, leaving body parts strewn against Confederate Monuments. Normally I would love to see Republican blood splattered staining the White Robes and Hoods of the KKK. Normally I would love to see the GOP leadership walking around like Zombies carrying Tiki Torches with the Nazi’s. BUT, it seems as long as Trump is in the White House, the Republicans the majority in Congress, and the rest of the Republican Party fearful of its base. (One can only imagine Rod Serling writing episode after episode of the Twilight Zone called THE BASE) I as an innocent bystander will certainly pay the price for any battle within the Republican Party. With pure luck, so far I still have free speech, with pure luck so far, I am still breathing clean air. With pure luck so far Martial Law has not been declared. And with the purest or luck SOOOOOO far, we are not in the midst of Nuclear War. I love the idea of Bannon VS MCConnell, but honestly unlike any other horror movies, the resulting winner of this battle will not stop eating their own, they will next come for me!