For many reasons I had never been a fan of Ronald Reagan, and in fact I am very glad his era of selfish is history. But the thing regarding history is that it OFTEN times can repeat itself; and often the case when it does repeat itself, we foolish humans OFTEN times ignore the values from the first iteration to the next.
Has anyone noticed too many weird similarities between the Reagan and Trump? Both men were in the entertainment field, one a D list star and the other a D list reality wanna be. Reagan wanted us to believe that, “trickle down economics” actually fell to the poor, while providing a hearty handout to his wealthy friends. Trump has no idea about economics but pretends that cutting the amount of his taxes and those of Corporations and the 1% will somehow work this time. When it came to drugs we were told “Just say no”, and now with opioids we are being told “Just don’t start.” Both Reagan and Trump had a thing with walls, Reagan saying, “Tear down that wall, Mr Gorbachev, and Trump saying pay for that wall Mr Mexico!
And perhaps one the scariest similarities shared by Reagan and Trump is the question of their mental health. It seems the words Early Onset Alzheimers, were bandied about during Reagan’s term in office, and most recently, at first in a hush-hush kind of matter, and now gaining more public attention the words Early Onset Alzheimers are being shared by some GOP leadership and journalists. This all brings me even more angst, Reagan’s lack of understanding of the poor, the LGBT community, minorities, and the sense that trickle down actually did not trickle up. And in the final years of Reagan’s administration who actually was the Commander-In-Chief. And what if in fact Trump’s mental illness declines, who can stop him from placing his feeble fingers on the buttons able to blast a hole so large in this Earth that we all perish?