Senator Bob Corker is not seeking re-election, Senator Bob Corker, seems to think that he can now speak freely or maybe a bit more free. Senator Bob Corker, before he decided he might lose his next election, voted the Republican Party line, which catered to the wealthy donors, protected Mitch McConnell and his Russian oligarchs, and ignored the environment, health and welfare of the citizens of his state of Tennessee. Senator Bob Corker while under the delusion, or perhaps illusion that the hacking and collusion of the 2016 election would and could be pushed under the American rug, was just one of the good ole GOP Boys, who was in favor of denying females reproductive rights, LGBTQ any rights, no rights for people of color. Senator Corker was no friend to the average American, but great buds with Corporations who became People under a very activist Republican Supreme Court! Oh yeah, and Senator Bob Corker assured the American public that Jeffry Sessions was an honest man, a distinguished colleague, even as then Senator Sessions lied during his Committee hearing. And not to forget, Senator Bob Corker, aided Senator Mitch McConnell’s war against permitting President Obama to nominate Merrick Garland, for Supreme Court Justice, but had no problem in voting for one of the most divisive Jurists, Neil Gorsuch. Who knows what happened, but suddenly Senator Bob Corker has found a bit off a spine, or maybe one of his two testicles dropped, providing him a hint courage.
Senator Bob Corker, IS NO HERO, yet, for American Democracy or the US Constitution, as one or two Tweets do not equate to a Purple Heart. Anyone, interested in their future, or perhaps the future of their NEXT generation, should truly understand, that if the Republicans really wanted Trump removed for being an anarchist, a treasonists, an insane person, a puppet of Putin, the GOP would have invented the same two dozen or so Committees similar to the Witch Hunt regarding Hillary. The GOP would have used every waking moment to prove the collusion between anyone Trump and anyone Putin. But to do, the GOP would have to then look inward and find that the real perpetrators to this highjacked and hacked election were indeed the leadership of the Republican Party and most likely some really high powered Donors.
Thus what I call the McCain Game, is now happening to Senator Corker. Senator McCain decided to not let millions of Americans die because of Republican promises to donors, but McCain still remains loyal to all other hate filled laws or Executive Orders under the Trump Administration. McCain is a grand daddy of Republican Party politics and I am certain has more dirt on the GOP then Aunt Bea had on anyone living in Mayberry. Senator Bob Corker, is one of the GUYS of the GOP, also. He too must know an awful lot of back room, cigar smoking, pick pocketed, snake oil selling ploys and plots Senator McConnell and Speaker Ryan managed and arranged. NOW, if we want to praise Senator Bob Corker, it might be because FINALLY a Republican really cares more about this nation then the continuing dictatorial governing by a political party who only winds by cheating. Wonder, what Senator Bob Corker will do?