When an American citizen plots and plans, schemes and systemizes venues, advantages, opportunity and operational means to murder and maim other Americans, that American is contemplating terrorism, and as an American on American soil, he or she is attempting Domestic Terrorism. In the age of Trump, of course, the hypocrisy in which we live, the official response is something as stupid as a lone wolf attacker, or just some deranged individual, with a whole lot of mental health issues. Stephen Paddock, mass murderer, was a Domestic Terrorist, whether the Trump Administration, the NRA, or the Republican puppets of the NRA want to say so or not. Stephen Paddock had great intention to murder as many innocents as possible. He was a white male, purchased some weapons of mass destruction legally, bought rounds of ammunition without much duress, and followed his views on the meaning of the Second Amendment, so how in the world could someone as apple pied, and white pocketed fenced as Stephen Paddock be considered a Domestic Terrorist, aren’t they usually people of color or Muslim!
When an American views the devastation and destruction of a massive natural disaster as a Hurricane, watching an entire Island country become decimated and destroyed, and does very little to assist his fellow Americans, has he NOT just committed an act of Domestic Terrorism. People are scared, people are desperate, people fear for their lives, people wonder when they might die…all of this IS the menu of a terrorist, all of this is the power the terrorist believes he owns and all of this is under the terrorist’s control. Donald Trump in his capacity of Commander-in-Chief, has the power to provide any imaginable relief to Puerto Rico, and has in purview the ability to ignore and refuse any aid necessary to make the people of Puerto Rico whole again. It may not be a weapon of war in his hands, but Trump the Terrorist has the power of the pen and he reuses to use it to bring, food, water, shelter and well being to the American citizens of Puerto Rico. Once again, we ignore the obvious, that an act of terrorism is taking place at the hands of Trump, because either his feelings were hurt, he has a disdain for people of color, or the government of Puerto Rico was Democrat and did not support Trump’s campaign. And once again we refuse to consider this smothering of Puerto Rico as an at of Domestic Terrorism just because it's a white guy, holding the trigger.
When do the smart people become in charge, or are we doomed to the dumb, because the USA has abandoned the democratic version of checks and balances; because the Republicans have been blackmailed by the Russians, and fear for their career rather than their country!
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