Pretending they have the moral authority, because they ARE Republicans, the current members of Congress avoid any responsibility toward the deaths of four Navy Seals in Niger. Lamenting, and lingering on Benghazi, the same Republicans swore vengeance on Hillary and the Dems, insisting that America itself was stabbed in the heart when four non military citizens died. Get to the bottom of this shouted the GOP, and so they tried, and tried and tried, never proving anything. The proof however was the Republican majority vetoed any increase in security spending toward US Embassies thought out the world. And now, The Republicans are telling us that there is nothing to see in Niger, it was a bad plan, a mistake and honest to God no one is to blame.
Pretending they have the moral authority, because they ARE Republicans, the conservative media is in a frenzy demanding that the Dems return every red cent that Harvey Weinstein donated. Ignoring the sexual harassment accusations against Trump, and trumps own bravado regarding his ability to touch women wherever and whenever he wants, plus the continuous accusations against Bill O’Reilly, the GOP Conservatives demand justice be delivered by returning the donations of Weinstein but somehow fall silent when asked about those who donated to Trump directly and those who were urged by O’Reilly to donate toward Trump. If he or she is a Progressive politically they must be punished for their indiscretions, if they are Conservative, it is up to Jesus to judge and forgive.
Come on Media People, Talking Heads, Wanna Be Journalists, sometimes there IS NOT ANOTHER SIDE of the argument. If it is a lie, call it a lie. If it is denying Freedom of Speech, call it that. If it is breaking a line between the once strong wall of Church and State, say so. If Jeff Sessions changes his story every time he speaks to the Congress, call him out on it. If Ivanka and Jared uses private email servers investigate them. If Mike Pence wants to hang homosexuals, ask him why. If Trump wants to end affordable health care ask him why he wants to see millions of dead people. There is no debate between right and wrong, good and bad, why do we permit discussion and debates to even happen. If it is news without facts call it Fake, If it is Fake news to begin with call out the liar to their face. Its time those of us who still have a conscience use it. The Republicans are savvy, they know the Dems want to always ride as the white knight saving the day, and will call out any flaw, in the ointment! The Dems shy away from confrontation like scared sheep running from the wolf. lets start biting back, and play by the same broken rules as the Republicans. COME ON ALREADY!