Chief of Staff John Kelly never wanted to discuss his personal loss, he never wanted to share with the USA his feelings on the death of his son…and honestly, no one would have questioned John Kelly or mentioned his son, an American Hero…but Donald Trump HAD to, Trump HAD to indulge his own ego into the personal life of John Kelly…because Donald Trump, lacking empathy, sympathy, a soul or conscience, needed to try and prove a point to dissuade any negativity toward Trump’s own ineptness, and emptiness, regarding other American Hero’s. Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, who uses the same lying tongue to praise Trump as she does to pray to her own Jesus, scolded the press corps, that John Kelly was troubled by the politicization of the death of his son, assuming it was the Media who first introduced the idea. IT WAS TRUMP, YOU MORON, HUCKABEE SANDERS, as inept as ever!
Trump trades in rubles and perhaps rubies, whatever the currency Vladimir uses, and is wrapped in a collusion of fashion draped in the Russian flag. To disguise his own treasonous behavior, Trump pretends that taking a knee during the racing of our Flag or the playing of our Anthem is anti-American. His lemmings, abide by the Trump lies, and suddenly the villains of the USA are people practicing freedom of speech, not the enemies who hacked an election, were paid to participate in anarchy, and who want to dismiss any freedom of discourse. THE ENEMY OF THE STATE IS TRUMP, and to NOT understand that makes you as inept as ever!
There is no rallying cry from the GOP regarding the death of four Troops in Niger, instead the GOP is pissed someone overheard a lame phone call from the Commander-In-Chief pretending to extend his condolences. We are not talking about an inept Military Mission, an inept Military Maneuver, we instead are still debating who made the better, bitter phone calls to families on the loss of their loved ones. The more we ignore what went wrong in Niger, the history of why we are in Niger, the entire War on Terrorism, and spend hours and hours on the ignorance and emptiness of Trump, we as a society become inept. We fall pray to the insidious ploys of one of the dumbest people on Earth, Trump, and every day he becomes more inept, and every day we permit him to sit in the Oval Office we reward him for his ineptitude. How inept is that?