An Adult Day Care facility, erecting guideposts, keeping him calm, almost like a pressure cooker, phrases, terms, words to describe the one man who can, at will, place his tiny fingers on a very special pad connected to the most destructive and devastating set of weapons, which could set the stage for a world war where almost no one survives. There are no longer real checks and balances in this supposedly democratic government, not when one branch is in collusion with another branch of government. The majority in the Congress is Republican, the Executive branch is Republican, through a disregard for the democratic process the Judicial Branch is a majority of Republican appointed Justices, most of whom pay little attention to the law, but prefer political affiliation first. The Republican Congressional leadership have been compromised by the Russians, who through they're hacking, assisted the Republican Party, minority party, to set the agenda for America. Filled with promises from donors who believe this is a Christian nation, donors who believe they are royalty and the rest of the population servants or peasants, and filled with fear that they may be blackmailed by one of the most sinister dictators in the world, Putin, the GOP pretends to defend America, while mostly remaining defensive regarding anyone Trump.
A narcissistic baby, a holder of grudges, a liar, a man who believes his masculinity is proven by the more misogynistic behavior possible, a thief, stealing tax dollars from this nation for his own benefit, perhaps a moron, can, at any moment, decide he is mad, really mad, and chango presto, he can press a few buttons and wham bam thank you ma’m, anyone not tucked away in the presidential bunker will disappear. And what are we doing while this maniac is still Tweeting or Pouting, or Threatening… almost absolutely nothing, because the Republicans in power who can actually turn on the night light and eliminate the bogy man refuse to do so, for fear that they too will be found out to be just as creepy and horrifying.
So, Senator Bob Corker, has tweeted his regrets toward Trump, so Senator John McCain has refused to let millions of people die by voting against TrumpCare, so Senator Susan Collins and Lisa Merkowski, sighed and simmered finally doing the right thing for all American’s health. But Trump still sits in the Oval Office, and little to no REAL concern is expressed by the Republican Party as to what the fuck happened to the 2016 Elections. I really wonder when will it be too late for a majority of the GOP to grow back a spine and a conscience, and finally push back at every poisonous thing Putin, with the assistance of Trump, has done to this nation. World War Three, part One has started via cyber warfare, its World War Three via nuclear weapons that I worry about.