Let’s catch up with our own indignations, shall we. Lets stop pretending that anything similar to a moral compass exists at the White House, or for that matter, in the predominately Republican Congress. Let’s stop gasping as one more lie rolls off the tongue of Trump, pretending that THIS time must be the rock bottom of the barrel. Lets stop indulging the right by insisting equality, trust, truth and patriotism is nonexistent, permitting them to become the victim and demonstrate an odd act of hurt. No, Niger, Niger, Niger from the GOP! No Kushner/Trump private emails from the GOP! No worries about Russian collusion from the GOP! And if you listened to any of the whiny excuses coming from the shrill and sick voice of Jeff Sessions, our Attorney General, as he spoke to the same Senate Committee he lied to during his confirmation, you also heard NOTHING at all regarding what the USA, is doing or should be doing to avoid another Putin election scam for the 2018 Mid-term Elections.
Four Navy Seals have died during a mission no one has yet to discuss, but we are watching the news to hear what the NFL owners and the players are going to do this coming Sunday. We insist that our obligation to stand for the Flag and the Anthem is mightier than our First Amendment Rights, but the only reason we even speak about the four murdered Troops is because the Commander-in-Chief misbehaved or more precisely behaved exactly as we expected. Supposedly General Kelly is the big boy in the room managing the nursery which has become the Oval Office, but the spilled brat, conveniently spoiled by his blackmailed Republican kiss-ass leadership, continues to commit treason and anarchy.
Jeff Sessions, is all talk about denying medical marijuana to citizens, he is all talk about being able to fire any LGBTQ employee because Jesus would want it that way, but Jeff Sessions has no recollection of meeting with conspiring with or collaborating with the Russians. The Republican led Congress has not renewed the CHIP program, and millions of children are at risk of dying without affordable health care. Harvey Weinstein is the talk of the town, but the town of Washington DC has a misogynist sitting in the Oval Office, an Education Secretary who thinks Rape victims are just a bunch of cry babies, and a Congress ready place you in jail if you dare seek an abortion after 20 months. Talking heads shake, quiver, they, dress up to appear on TV, pontificating that today was just too much, just wait, it can’t go on forever….but it does HE does, and all we seem to be left with is indignation. How loud must we become to be heard to have change become the reality? HOW LOUD?