He has imploded. It isn’t about to happen, the pressure cooker exploded, and we, ALL of us, those who knew better, and those who could have cared less, are now suffering the consequences of a deluded and deprived man, who beat the system, conned the common man, and was paid in rubles to render this nation a disaster. Lots of blame to pass around, too much silence as he treads the death march upon a nation that seems so willing to fail, because he has helped identify enemies. Trump is winning, he has lost his mind, he has no conscience, he is a grifter and all WE seem able to do is watch in disbelief.
The Mayor of San Juan had the audacity to call Trump out as a phony. The Mayor of San Juan had the audacity to be a female chastising Trump. The result of both is that a form of genocide is being played in an American landscape, because a frail ego has been hurt. Health care will cost more, the already poor, will just die in pain, the almost poor will have to decide if food and shelter are more of a priority than insurance, and all of this because the black guy had the audacity to be compassionate, and caring and one time laughed at the ludicrous life of Trump. The LGBTQ community will soon be quarantined, treated as inhuman, because they had the audacity to want equality, freedom and the rights the Constitution granted to ALL American citizens. HE, has already gone insane, and no matter what the well groomed and well paid Talking Heads pretend to say, a mad man already sits ion the Oval Office, and nobody with the power to carry him away in restraints gives one shit.
I blame Ryan, McConnell, the Mercer family, the Koch Brothers. I blame the stupid individual who cared less about knowing anything regarding Trump, but insisted on an insatiable appetite regarding Hillary, whether true or not. I blame the Republican Party, knowing full well their agenda was a fools game, but placed democracy in peril for a few more dollars from Putin. I blame the silent, ones, the people, who pretended that politics didn’t matter, as if it was a game. Now, I watch history unfold, a bad, sad, mad, unveiling of a future, which could have been stopped, but somehow continues to kill a nation and its people. Trump has reached the turning point, and yet we seem complacent, hoping that maybe tomorrow it will be different. The audacity of the ignorant, of the stupid, of the American people.