Coup d’etat, ain’t a fabled verse or just some kind of conspiracy imagined plot or plan, nope, folks, it IS indeed shaping into a real and wrong performance of bad governing by the Republican leadership against our nation and national interests.
It seems Trump and his enablers like McConnell and Ryan along with his Fascist advisors are slowly but certainly derailing our democracy and imploding anything that might resemble checks and balances.
As any homegrown enemy would wish, and just like flesh eating parasites, the guts of our government are being eaten alive, and from within. The FBI, the DOJ, suddenly they are the bad guys, they and of course the freedom of the press. Imagine, the material Putin must have amassed regarding Trump and the RNC, juxtapose that on the insecure, shallow ego of Trump and the power play of Mitch McConnell and wham, bam no thank you ma’am, we are in the throws of an unimagined coup.
We knew this, the GOP knows this and it seems those who voted for Trump love it!
I am not sure what to do. But I do know, I will fight this with all my might and energy. So you voted for Trump, and now you have the beginning of a dictator, dumb, dedicated to destroying democracy. This is REAL, AND it IS time to become an alarmist, because it seems the law and order of this nation are on the very edge of extinction.