Sunday, January 7, 2018

last laugh

Its like a momentary minute of joy and pleasure, as you “give the finger” to the person who snuck into the parking place you had been waiting for, who then really gives two shits that you behaved accordingly, while he or she just did whatever they wanted, anyway. You kind of laugh as they bump their elbow or better yet the car door slams them in the head, no blood, but a lot of embarrassment, as they try and ease the bruise, all the time walking toward the store…Then you realize that although demonstrating an action of an adolescent, raising your middle finger, felt good for the itzy bitty instant, here YOU are still stuck in the car STILL looking for another parking space. Ah, all the while driving around still calling out that douchebag who selfishly snuck right in front of you, even when your turn signal was announcing itself in a bold amber flash, you realize that even if you feel great screaming and announcing to the world what a real fool that STOLEN PARKING SPACE WAS, he or she IS out and about doing their chores while you are still hunting down another parking space.

“Fire and Fury”, okay, someone put tp paper all of the THINGS we already knew regarding the dangerous and delirious deranged dumb-shit sitting in the Oval Office. Lets laugh at the joker. Lets find great glee in his misdeeds and the self-serving insidious machinations in which he and his team of madmen and madwomen have participated. Who hasn’t provided Trump, Ivanka, Jared, the Klansmen, the Neo Nazi’s the Plutocrats, and Oligarchs in the Trump Administration with the middle finger, a few choice nasty words, and hateful thoughts. So, a book is written, perhaps all true perhaps kind of sort of true, perhaps just a scan of the real body politic taking place at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But just like the relief we got calling out that ASSHOLE who stole our parking space, the one we waited for, using our polite and social actions, the ASSHOLE in the White House is still living there and still able to fuck up the nation and world in which we live.

Our real anger must not be wasted on a man who lives in his own world, and wears no clothes as he walks the streets, but instead to the Enablers, the GOP, McConnell, Ryan, Nunes, Gowdy, The Senators like Graham and Grassley, Hatch, the families like the Mercers/Koch’s/Adelson’s who permit our democracy to die. Our real anger must be directed to the fact that our 2016 election was hacked and NOTHING has been done to protect our polling places for the 2018 election. Our real anger must still be focused on the fact, that Trump and the Republicans, no matter how disgusting and gross, STILL have the power to create an authoritarian government in this land of ours. It feels good to laugh at the fool, call them names, but when the laughter is over what is next? So what, a book was written telling us EVERYTHING we already knew, and YET that is all we get!