One more delusion discovered as the Deal Maker, destroyed any chance at becoming the Art of the Deal, but falling flat like the Fart of the Deal. Incompetent, impotent, useless, and ugly as ever, hiding behind hubris and humbug, and the destructive words of his associates, of Stephen Miller and the supposed adult in the room General Kelly, Trump , with the mindset of dementia, and dedication toward his own desires, remained aloof last night as a bunch of bumbling buffoons, took to the Senate floor, insisting that the will of the people is less important than the lack of will to govern this nation.
It was and IS important that the lives of the “Dreamers”, be a separate issue than spending money on a Wall, and I believe rightfully so, the democrats found a backbone and stood for freedom. Just because the least informed voters, a minority of Americans, believed that separation of Americans is a successful stance, the Republicans with an exception of four, worried that somehow the Koch Brothers, the Mercer Family, the NRA would Primary them out, and once again as a Party before Country, and the Party of Mitch McConnell, one of the shiftiest and insecure politicians America has ever witnessed, said NO. Waiting for leadership from their Space Captain who was only concerned about his lush Mar-A-Lago Bribery Ball, was no where to be seen, but employed the incapable fingers of Sarah Huckabee Sanders to Tweet and insult rather than a chance to find consensus!
And so the Government shut down, no money for CHIP, no money for Centers of Disease Control, no money for the park Rangers, and if this Republican Battle for the souls of Corporations continues, real people, the ones the Republicans are always demanding Jesus cares about will stop receiving Food Stamps, Veteran Benefits, and the Military and the First Responder, which supposedly have always been the go to, to make America great will also suffer. Once again, for me this is no debate. Self serving hateful men and women calling themselves the Freedom Caucus/the Tea Party/the Aryan Nation/the Evangelical Christians cared less about the lives of ALL Americans preferring restrictions for most, who indeed seemed to be different in color, in sexual identity, in language spoken.
So many reasons to dump Trump with last nights fiasco one sure sign of his lack of leadership and the GOP’s desire to divide. Shame, But the Congress shall continue to get paid and live a lavish life, no matter what.