Friday, January 19, 2018

No Debate

The enemy of the state, is not living south of the boarder, and any wall summed to keep them out of this country is a bit absurd, because the real terrorists don’t cross the Rio Grande to invade our government, they fly either First Class, or from their own private jets originating in places with names like Moscow, Crimea, Odessa, Trump Soho, and they identify themselves with such ludicrous names as the Freedom Caucus,Tea Party, and the American Christian Evangelicals! The American government is going to be shut down because a bunch of Racist Bigots just don’t like the “Dreamers”, and they refuse to understand that via the CHIP program millions of poor children, many of whom are of color will live a better life. And oh yeah, the guy riddled with vast opportunities to be blackmailed by porn stars and the Russians has a fragile ego and he wants something else in this nation with his name emblazoned on it, A WALL.

The government may shut down because a misinformed, or should I add informed only by the bigots and idiots at FOX, 18% of inbred Americans scare the shit out of the GOP, and the cowards in Congress calling themselves Republicans fear the wrath of a few rather than the welfare of the many. This IS not a debatable argument, the Dems want healthy kids, rich or poor so they want to see CHIP funded. The Dems want families to stay together, to provide a homeland for kids who have really known no other country to call their own. The Republicans could care less. What seems to be the problem?