Wednesday, January 24, 2018

damn, sad, damn

So sad, that when the quality of life is at stake, from supporting health care to young children, to keeping the Dreamers in the one and only country they have lived the majority of their lives, to providing Vets any kind of sufficient care and support, to permitting Senior Adults the sanctity of at least one hot nutritious meal, to affordable health care, that the majority of Republicans stage a battle, like a bunch of mean girls and boys who only want the popular kids to be on their side, and who are always scoring the big win, satisfied that in order to win SOMEONE should lose!

The Government Shutdown, was evil, the fact that our Congress cares more about their donors, their own profession as politicians first, public servants second, and catering to a base of voters who still believe the South won the Civil War is VERY EVIL. How do we stop this cycle of breaking bad? When all the Republicans seem to do is play dirty, and play to cut the gut from democracy!

Did the Dems cave…Will the GOP live up to their promises…Shall Trump continue to pretend he is winning…Are we going to debate the most inane ideas of who the real winners of the Government Shutdown, really are, while never EVER wondering who the real losers are as in the average American citizen! When will this shit ever end? We are told we can vote the bums out…REALLY, how does that work when in fact elections are hacked, districts gerrymandered, dark money is permitted to buy elections, and truth no longer is a moral value candidates have to demonstrate…How many more alarms do we need to sound, until all of us just go deaf from so much noise? So damn sad, and oh so damn frustrating!