Among the millions of once unimaginable pieces of legislation that the Trump run Republican Majority in Congress is currently ruminating and rousing about is a plan to make into law the 20 week abortion ban. You know, just one more intrusion into not only the freedom of a woman’s reproductive choice, but once again a hyper masculine control of that little lady and her special “bun in the oven” We just witnessed millions of women and the men who respect them as equals march across this nation in defiance of Trump and his misogynist manner, regarding sexual harassment, so one might be a bit disillusioned as to why the GOP would intrude even further into the world bodies and mind of women. The sad thing about any effort to control reproductive freedom and real choice, by the Republicans is that, albeit, only a slim margin of the GOP are female, THEY all fall in line like the lemming at the ready to jump off a cliff so their in-bred, idiot base won’t revolt and through said bums out of office!
What is it about the GOP one might ask; wondering why they support a tariff on any product that will enhance natural energy, rather than carbon oriented climate destroying fossil fuels. One might ask, wondering why the GOP is fighting tooth and nail against the Government law enforcement agencies who when are tear gassing minorities are heroes, but suddenly when pressing Trump and his Klan for the truth are monsters even worse than Putin and his KGB. One might ask; wondering why the GOP has little concern on laws that keep the worker safer, the consumer healthier, and the land we share less toxic. What is it about the Republican Party, and the voters who still register as Republicans, backing their anti democracy politicians, THAT makes them hate, really HATE almost every American who is not the Mercer Family, The Koch Family, Mobil/Exxon, Monsanto/Big Pharm/Big Agra/ and the kind of person deemed a Corporation?
#Me Too, perhaps it it time to call out the good ole’ boys and their good ole chattel GOP Gals, and start woman-splainin’ real life to these jerks. It is time for all of us to SCREAM stop the Trump/McConnell/Ryan BULL SHIT…Its way past time to place on notice to the GOP that this is OUR country too. I grow tired and more tired of civil discourse when one side of the conversation is about fascism/bigotry/authoritarianism/and hate, while the other side plays the role of the good guy trying to play by the rules. I JUST WANNA know when do WE the people begin to set the rules, without any debate about good verses evil, lies versus truth. SO FRUSTRATING!