You can cheat on your first wife, while getting your girl friend pregnant, then marry her only to travel to Europe and buy your third wife, and while your third wife gives birth, find a few other women to pay for sex, and still be considered a child of God, just as long as you NEVER cheated on your first wife with another man, but most likely if that man had been married to a women, you could get his wife pregnant and still be that holiest of the holy, by a group of individuals who believe that Jesus Christ only hates the GAY, and ladies who love to own their own body parts. You can laundry money for foreign governments or the wealthy oligarchs of foreign governments, letting them buy their way to the Oval Office or bribe their way into Congress, and still be considered a bit like Uncle Sam, but be a black man with a foreign sounding first name and a Muslim sounding middle name, and you are suddenly and enemy of the state, and certainly the root cause of all the rot in this nation, by the same God Bless America pay to pray phonies, who embrace the guys who embrace Putin.
You can swear a zygote has a soul, a purpose, and a place in God’s plan, and be blessed by those who think the Holy Ghost visits them in their bedrooms begging them to run for political office, but try and find funding for pre-natal care/early childhood education/a nutrition program/public education/employment/or even consider keeping family units together as in “Dreamers” and their parents, and it is the Devil himself who has directed evil energy your way, dismissing you as misunderstanding God’s real intention. You can lower the taxes on the wealthy, insisting that work makes you free, you know, like the signs they placed over German concentration camps (Arbeit Mach Frei), and shame the poor or the working class as being losers never wanting anything but charity, demanding that Jesus, had little time for the lazy, and if you are wealthy only you know how to handle money. You can swear, government is a bad thing, as you run for Congress, insisting that your socialized paycheck, your socialized medical care, your socialized perks are nothing to really deal with, because, Jesus had chosen you from birth to save the American nation from people of color, and non Christians, including Mormons who really are just heretics, but call yourself The Freedom Caucus, and demand that compromise makes you weak and Gay or a sissy and a Communist, and continue to run for office without fear of failing because you are in a gerrymandered district, because its freedom for you and not those poor schnooks watching FOX News.
You can tear apart the democratic principles and become Speaker of the House. You can implode democracy and become the Majority Leader, and you can lie, cheat, steal, rob, corrupt, live in gluttony and greed and become the Commander-In-Chief, because the both the Evangelical Community, the Republican Party the KKK and the Mega donors like the Koch and Mercer Families have never cared for the Constitution and somehow think when they die, they actually can take it with them. Oh, by the way EVERYTHING burns very quickly in HELL.