In 2018, hate, homophobia are now being masked as religious freedom. From a Republican Congress and a man sitting in the White House whose scruples are based upon lying, collusion with a foreign country, bribery from Corporations, adultery, and dereliction of Constitutional duty, we suddenly have a holier than thou proclamation that permits religion to trump equality and freedom. It seems now that the GOP, the Evangelical Christians who easily can overlook infidelity, lusting after one’s own daughter, cheating, racism, and misogyny, have found a harbor to hate and have docked their sailing ships of hypocrisy at the doorsteps of both the White House and Congress.
Now it is being proposed that if an insecure civil servant, health care professional, pharmacist feel that Jesus Christ will cry from the heavens because a homosexual couple wish equality, or a female desires the rights to her own reproduction and body, they, without any punishment or consequences can deny service, assistance, life support at the whim of something as bogus as religious freedom. No surprise, honestly, that the base of Trumpian supporters agree on this, no surprise because many of them have never read the history of this nation, nor understand that we caused a revolution from the harassment of a national religion. America has gotten uglier and deeper into the darkness of pay to pray preachers, Evangelicals who could care less about your character, morals or values…but prefer you NOT be a homosexual, and you have no choice in giving birth. The joke of course is on those Trump supporters who are of color, are not Evangelicals, are not from Norway, as once religious freedom is used as an excuse against the LGBTQ community and women, anyone and everyone else is next.
So, you hated Hillary…you never liked the idea of a woman as president…the Dems were all liars…only Bernie and no one else was going to save the day…you secretly are a racist…a homophobe…a misogynist…a bigot…and anti semite…or you were too stupid to check out all the missing information Trump bragged about but, never was, able to provide proof of…so you were sure, none of your Gay friends or family would REALLY be singled out, you were certain that the women in your life, could still maintain equality, some of your best friends were black…NOW, as if collusion, money laundering, gerrymandering, the Mercer and Koch Families, and the permission of Dark Money to remain mysterious was not enough, we have Religious Freedom, which is not free to everyone and has nothing to do with religion, just fear, loathing, insecurity, and idiots! Here we are in 2018, and as a Gay man, the father of a daughter, the brother to sisters, as a Jewish man, as an American, I am being relegated to second class citizenship because YOU voted for Trump, or didn’t bother to vote at all, or were just one dumb shit! So now, please go fuck yourself, because you have done one hell of a job on me, my family, my friends and my country!