I remember as a very young kid, being quite confused the first time, I listened as my mother asked the question: “How much wood, would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” OMG, I thought this must be one of those unanswerable questions, something I must remember as I grew older. And indeed as I grew older, I used that same question on my younger sister, asking her about woodchuck’s watching her face become contorted, as I spewed out the words wood and how much wood. I remember finally figuring out the exact purpose of the “WoodChuck Question, and would use the same silly syllable challenge toward my nieces and nephews.
Now, it seems to me that the same ridiculous question about how much, any one living thing could chew or chuck, should, could and would be asked about the Republicans in Congress, as to how many excuses, detours, cover ups, and obstruction of the Constitution can they come up with? Of course we ALL (Those of us still not breast feeding off the test of FOX News or Breibart) understand just how guilty Trump is and was during the 2016 election. We ALL understand how hacking, collision, lying led to his illegal nomination, placing him in the White House. But COME ON AMERICA, have you NOT been paying attention to the sinister, shyster, insincere shenanigans played by anyone GOP. Trump IS the enemy of this nation, but his cadre of Fascist enablers make the dangerous demented Orange Man, even more scary and worrisome.
How much bribery, blackmail, could the Russians, bring to the Republicans, if the Russians, really, REALLY wanted to screw America? The real public enemy is not the monster, Trump, but the bevy of Republican politicians who supply him with blood, flesh and oxygen. How much more can we be screwed is the real question! How much hate, can the haters hate, and how much longer must American wait? When do we wise up?