Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Lets just understand some of the recent events which have occurred during the last decade of American politics. Lets try and grasp just how we have denigrated our democratic principles, from the first day Barack Obama was elected president, at which time Mitch McConnell, the Republican Majority Leader informed his Caucus in the Senate with agreement from the Speaker of the House, that no matter what President Obama places on his agenda, the Republican Party will deny and destroy any attempt for President Obama to see his agenda for America find fruition. To, the denial by the GOP to even permit a vote on Merrick Garland to even be considered a nominee on the Supreme Court. From the continuous racist and religious bigotry toward Barack Obama and his family to the constant accusations that Putin was tougher than Obama, we had witnessed the Republican Party and their Donors demean and debase anything similar to checks and balances.

Lets just understand, that no matter what the Russians did to hack the 2016 elections, from bribery to computer viruses, to Russian Oligarchs donations to the GOP campaigns to down right blackmail, NOTHING of substance has stopped Mr Trump and his Robber Barons from continuing to reap the spoils of each and every average American. And while the Dems dream of a landslide in the 2018 elections, lets be clear not much has been done to even understand how the hacking happened in 2016, let alone placing stop gap measures in place to deny the Russians and the RNC access to future polling places. SO…why are we in such ANGST and AWE when we know Trump used words like SHIT HOLE to describe any nation whose population is not pure Aryan white! Huh, what, Trump is a racist, surrounded by racists, enabled by GOP racists, and we act stunned, surprised that Trump has even gotten further down the bottom of the barrel, and continues to spiral further into the depths of Hell.

The con is working, the con is supported by the Republican establishment, and somehow the minority of people in this nation dubbed as the Trump Base of support are conning the rest of us into letting our nations democracy rot and wither. We, who understand FOX news is nothing but propaganda..We, who hear a lie told and retold again and again…We who have a conscience and a soul are loosing the battle to some of the most villainous and evil characters written on the pages of history…and yet we act so surprised when trump uses the words SHIT HOLE…The con continues and all we can do is debate if SHIT HOLE is way overboard and expression… And oh yeah, if the Official Presidential Physician states that Trump’s mental capacity is A-OKAY, then we also should recognize, that the crazy man ain’t crazy just DELIBERATELY DANGEROUS!