Saturday, January 13, 2018

Ain't Done Nothin'

WE KNOW, yep WE ALL KNOW, exactly who Trump IS and who Trump IS NOT…yet every time this man presents another personality from his bizarro world, ONCE again, WE debate, his character, his mental capabilities, his capacity to learn, and just how insidious and dangerous his narcissistic personality has become. The Talking Heads, dressed in their finest jewelry and ties, with coiffed hair, and perfect makeup, pontificate on the details of Trump’s newest bout of dementia, while the hots of some Cable news show, nod their heads in agreement or toss and turn their necks right to left trying to emphasize disagreement. ONE MORE, Trump fart escapes from his mouth and ONCE again with gnarled fingers, and throbbing arteries in our necks, we say just how low must we replace the bar, ONCE AGAIN.

While all of this happens, the leadership from within the Republican Party, either remains aloof, or worse, SILENT. Two Senators sitting in one the now infamous “SHIT HOLE” meeting, Senators Purdue and Cotton, don’t deny the racist remarks made by Trump, but at the same time they just don’t recall hearing the words SHIT HOLE! REALLY! But we must pay attention to THAT fact, the fact that OVERLOOKING, UNDERPLAYING, or just IGNORING, everything wrong with Trump and his administration, is the REAL dilemma this nation faces. Trump will not change,Trump is invigorated as long as it is not his base criticizing him, Trump has no conscience and Trump has NEVER, EVER paid any consequences for ANY of his actions…

Lets get real folks, it is the GOP, people like McConnell/Ryan/Gowdy/Nunes/Cotton/the who are the real deterrents to ridding this nation of an inadequate authoritarian. During the last three decades, with the enactments of Voter ID Laws/Gerrymandering Districts/ Disenfranchisement, the GOP has risen to power. Never because of a Party Agenda for the people, but a deep hate for people and using that hate to stir up a demographic within this nation who thrives on bias and bigotry. We can do little more to insult Trump, we must instead do MORE to attack this who insulate him. Why else would Putin choose Trump and the Republicans to wage war…Putin is smarter than most Democrat leadership. Putin understood that seeking to the Dark Side would sufficiently succeed in US politics, and who better than the current batch of bad guys, like McConnell and Ryan and Trump to claim victory. We can beat up on Trump all we want, but hey folks, 2018 is right around the corner, and we AIN’T DONE NOTHIN’ to make sure those elections are not ONCE AGAIN, hacked, rigged and run by Putin and the RNC!