Thursday, August 22, 2019


“Never before did I realize that mental illness could have the aspect of power, power. Think of it: perhaps the more insane a man is, the more powerful he could become. Hitler an example. Fair makes the old brain reel, doesn't it?” 
Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

No, you are not the King of the Jews. Because you have a son, named Barron, for whom you have little to no regard, and even less regard as his parent, gives you no right to destroy the lives of thousands of innocent children, whose parents, even with their brown skin, DO love their children. You hide and hide and pretend that if it is hidden, then truth will never be relevant. Insane is kind, you are CRAZY, but we the people who seem to have less and less WE, are paying the price of your insanity, as you continue your CRAZY spending spree. 

You hate as easily as you breathe. You inhale the toxic, and exhale to vile, virus only madmen keep locked inside their lungs, which reside in a body so empty and void, so dark and dangerous that a black hole would be afraid to orbit near you. You are Trump, a noun a verb, a jerk, a fool, and one man who MUST be removed from office and placed in jail. The first sign of freedom will appear as does the crocus in the dawning of spring, when those who have adorned you with devotion decide, their life or death depends upon you removed from office. Spring will arrive, but until then we are all suffering the bleakness of a nuclear winter.

Oh yeah Nancy, and chuck, your talk, talk, talk,  is as much a lump as bull shit, as the pile of shit #Moscow Mitch piles on the Senate floor. But then again you are on a much more important task…RECESS!