Minority Leaders Schumer, call back your members, stop playing the convenient games that only #Moscow Mitch has the power to do. Play the opposite game, like #Moscow Mitch used to play, exude power and say fuck the rules…not only call back you Dems, but INVITE the GOP to attend, and de-extend their useless summer break. (actually how much work have any of you done being that anything passed has been by the Imperial Executive Order of Trump, or the purposeful denial of input by the minority party (Your's Minority Leader Schumer)
Speaker of the House Pelosi, you HAVE the authority to call back the House. Once they appear, name the names of those who care and then scream the names of those who could give a damn. Play rough Speaker Pelosi, stop the niceties, it ain’t getting this country anywhere…and you know it…you are way too savvy a POLITICIAN, not to know the underbelly of the evil.
WHY…I know you both ask that in rhetorical sense (at least I was a Dem my whole life hope so). FIFTYSIX…56…50+6 more Americans have been murdered by Guns, and oh yeah the owners of those guns…Fuck THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS (actually I haven’t heard too many this time, I suppose it’s is tiring to say those words) PASS legislation for all kinds of GUN Regulation…then list the names of the those both in the Senate and House who vote no on any or all. Now I know, (I am a taxpayer and I pay their salaries) YOU both have plenty of aides, have them list for you, then both of YOU list publicly which members of CONGRESS are paid puppets by the NRA. PLEASE CHUCK and NANCY don’t let any more innocent people be killed on your watch. Your hands may not be blood red like Trump’s and #Moscow Mitch, but your lack of HARD-CORE OFFENSE permits you both to share a reddish glow!