Let’s be clear America, VERY clear… When ICE Agents, and The Border Patrol, arrest and collect, people of Brown skin because Trump is a Racist, and his Republican Party are afraid of the Racists that have created a cult, and newly formed civilian Trump Army act as if they are following the law, WITHOUT any regard for the collateral effects that their activities may cause the children of the Brown skinned humans…we have a version of Hitler’s SS/Gestapo/Brown Shirts who “just follow orders.” In Mississippi ICE and Border Patrol arrested fathers and mothers, leaving their children, stranded, alone, and witness to a horrific act, that may never be erased.
Who are these ICE Agents and Border Patrol masochistic henchmen and women? During the Holocaust, the Nazi’s, thinking that their criminal and inhumane treatment of Jews/Gypsy’s/Homosexuals/Catholics should be documented as proof of the superiority of their new Reich, decided to film, the SS Agents et al for future propaganda purposes. Hitler’s Propaganda Minister filmed the collection the prisoner’s, treating them as useless life forms…then had the filmmaker juxtapose some additional footage of these same Goons, picnicking, partying, playing with their OWN families…as if murdering the OTHER was okay, as long as you loved your own family!
Where is the outrage from the religious Crusaders who will fight for the safety of a zygote but could give a shit that children are separated by force from their parents? Where are the Prophets of Trump's outer disgust when children are witness to their parent's arrests, only be left on the streets almost as instant orphans? Where is the Jesus loves me, yes he does, Christian Taliban decrying the torment, the torture that these Brown-skinned kids endure and have been enduring ever since Trump decided that Concentration Camps in America were cool?
Kids in Mississippi, watched their parent arrested with force, watched their parents taken away, and were JUST left by themselves…WTF, America. WTF Chuck Schumer, WTF Nancy Pelosi, WTF all 24 of you Dems running for President…and WTF that we are still debating this entire debacle. Oh Dear God, WTF! Still on Summer Recess WTF!