Hey, Chuckie…yeah you with the last name of Schumer, and the title of Minority Leader of the Senate…hey, Bennet/Booker/Gillibrand/Harris/Klobuchar/Sanders/Warren…yeah you the current Senators running for the office of president…Get off your fucking talking points, your pontifications, your debate stage, your rhetoric which at times is only rhetorical and IN SPITE of #Moscow Mitch NOT calling back into session the Senate, INSIST that ALL Dems come together…find one of your top-secret meeting rooms where supposedly the Dem leadership create a plan and propose goals and other matters that you seem to always beg via emails, we donate to…stop the inane and insane inside bickering, and present to the nation your version of Gun Legislation…THEN invite the remaining Dem presidential candidates to join you IN ONE VOICE, condemning the failures of the past, both by Republicans and Dem for the accessory to murder. THEN announce that VIDEO GAMES do not kill real people, only the image on the screen, which somehow in the video universe come back to life to be murdered again!
Hey Madame Speaker of the House Pelosi, give #Moscow Mitch your middle finger, and since you are the Speaker of the House DEMAND that all of your members return to the Capitol Building and use your Chamber (cause you are the boss of that part of the building), and get back to work IMMEDIATELY, before your hands also turn a bloody red from future mass murders, which we all know can and will happen because after all this the land of the 2NDamendment. You, and I, and any Tax Payer with an IQ over 100 all understand that this Summer Recess is a code word for vacation. Madame Speaker you have demonstrated the power to NOT IMPEACH Trump, which means you also have the power to recall your House to deal with GUN VIOLENCE/GUN CONTROL/GUN LAWS…and remind your members to leave their VIDEO GAMES at home…because as all the moronic heads up Trump’s ass GOP, need a non-lobbyist scapegoat upon which to blame yet more mass murders in this nation. And if and when either any Representative does not show up, make a list of the Accessory to Murders, and share that with the public. Yes, Speaker Pelosi, you are a powerful person with the ability to do this…if you make it a priority…Our government is working as if we are an Authoritarian Nation, with three people making decisions/Trump #Moscow Mitch/and the NRA (which and since when the Republican Activist Supreme Court decided Corporations are people, became a live living killing human)
Oh yeah, Joni Ernst/Susie (Aunt Bea) Collins/Ben Sasse/Lisa Murkowski, supposedly or just for propaganda purposes you are considered a bit moderate for the GOP, get off your asses and bogus reputations and join Chuckie Schumer to STOP the MURDERS in this nation, not from VIDEO GAMES but from the minions of MAGA who actually breathe in every Trump derogatory direction.